Chapter 16

Ryan wanted to laugh, but when he saw Neville’s tense face, he immediately suppressed the smile on his lips.

Without waiting for Ryan to dismiss him. Neville stood up and said, “I won’t disturb Mr. Blanton’s work.”

As he passed by Madison, he gritted his teeth and said. “You better put away your tricks to seduce men. Don’t embarrass me.”

Madison coldly smiled. She knew Neville didn’t genuinely care if she would embarrass him. In his eyes, she was his accessory, and others had no qualifications to be intimate with her.

He imposed restrictions on her but secretly slept with Alison.

Ryan’s gaze swept over the two until Neville left. Only then did he pretend to inquire, “Miss Guzman, do you two know each other?”

Madison responded straightforwardly. “No, we don’t.”

Ryan chuckled and found this married couple quite interesting.

Neville came early in the morning to negotiate for the chance for Madison, while Madison treated him as invisible.

However, it was their personal matter, and Ryan shouldn’t intervene. He went straight to the point and said, “Our team has discussed and decided to consider Loveille’s and the Conner Group’s proposals. But according to company regulations, we can only choose one for business collaboration.”

“I understand. You intend to let Loveille have a fair competition with the Conner Group?”

“Exactly. Fliwip will give you a design theme. Loveille and the Conner Group will present their best works for the competition. The winner will be decided based on the merits of their designs.”

Madison found that Fliwip’s decision was wise. Using competition to select a partner was both fair and attention–grabbing, serving as good publicity for the collaboration.

“I have no objections. What is the theme Fliwip?”

Ryan wrote two words on paper. “Wedding Dresses”

Madison’s face turned pale instantly, lips devoid of color. Her fingers curled slowly as if she was suppressing something

Ryan noticed her reaction. “I remember Elianna is best at designing wedding dresses. Loveille’s flagship product three years ago was also wedding dresses. Is there a problem?”

focused her passion and romance on designing wedding dresses. She even created a set called “Eternal Love‘ for herself, hoping to

see her groom and destroyed the wedding

she loved while wearing a wedding dress. But her dream shattered from the beginning.

never to design wedding dresses again in

regained her composure and

twirled the pen in his hand. “Miss Guzman, you should understand that I proposed this theme


Chapter 16

other words, there was no

opportunity. She took a deep breath and cleared

“Also, tell Elianna that 1 admire her, so I have high expectations for her

but she remained calm. After finalizing the details of the competition with Ryan, Madison stood up and left.

was standing outside the door.

the phone, and upon hearing the door opening behind him, he said. “I’ll talk to you

ignore him, but as she passed by, he

me?” he asked

and said, “Please

of the Preston family, she seemed to get bolder, daring to speak disrespectfully to

her neck, glanced at the love bites on her fair neck, and sneered, “What a cold–hearted woman. You were happy with me last night, and today you act like

the audacity to bring up last night?”

laws, marital rape is considered illegal

smiled and pressed his fingers against the bruise on

infuriated, flared up. Sometimes she couldn’t

seemed as if she

to a secretary, who

sneered. “You have poor taste.”

calling the kettle black.

a playboy, but Alison wasn’t a pure lady. But Neville still

embracing Alison at the same time made Madison’s stomach churn. She had no

I’ll be back to Norton in three days. We’ll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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