Chapter 17

Neville gave Ryan a cold glance, his eyes like a sharp knife.

Ryan was already used to it. “Neville, if you still like her, go after her. When a woman mentions divorce, it’s just to make a man focus on her.”

Anger surged in Neville’s chest. Madison used to be inseparable from him, but now she was with Ross.

He thought, ‘She wants me to like her? Is she worth it?”

He said coldly. “I would rather like dogs than Madison”

Dogs were more docile than her. Neville hated trouble, but Madison had repeatedly challenged his patience.

Madison, thinking she had forgotten the backup of the bid proposal in Ryan’s office, turned back. Unexpectedly, she heard Neville’s words just around the corner.

Even though she had given up on Neville, hearing his sarcastic remarks still stung.

It turned out that Madison, who had managed everything well in the family, was not as favorable as a dog in the family.

She suddenly lost the mood to get back the files and turned to leave.

Knowing that Madison was in a bad mood, Ross took her to a fancy restaurant

Once in the private room, he ordered all the dishes Madison liked.

Madison frowned and asked, “Ross, did you win the lottery!”

He usually spent money on flirting with girls, often noting that cash should be spent on the things that mattered.

Ross laughed. “I noticed you’ve lost weight lately, so I wanted to treat you well. By the way, do I still have a chance?”

Madison coldly replied, “Speak normally

on someone’s

after she had once beaten him

about to ask further, Ross clapped his hands, and a waiter entered with

This is a

over suspiciously. As soon as she untied the ribbons on the gift box, a little guy popped out.

face resembling Neville’s, looked at Ross coldly, as if accusing him of

to see her son. It had been a while since they last

you seem to have become more handsome. Have you missed me lately?”

his eyes to look at her, “Madison, I told you to take care of yourself.

hugged her son and kissed him. “Because I

obediently sat in her lap

Jeremy’s nanny, Ariel Cole, called and said, “Miss Guzman, I’m sorry, Jeremy has

Chapter 17

he had done this. He always managed to clude the nanny and

Jeremy is

sighed in relief. “No wonder Jeremy has been talking to Mr. Castro lately. It turns out he was inquiring about your whereabouts.”

was related

when she met her

the whole night

phone, Madison said seriously, Jeremy, I warned you not to run around

knew Jeremy was intelligent, but he was just a five–year–old child. No matter how capable he was at solving problems, she

responded. I know”

about to teach him a lesson, Jeremy suddenly

other words, all he wanted was just to see her.

a bit sour.

who was drugged back then, and she had s** with him and

until she was sure of his intentions and the Preston family’s attitude

raise Jeremy alone abroad. At least until they separated. Neville wouldn’t have the

tugged at Madison’s clothes.

her son tightly and said, “Jeremy, hold on a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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