Chapter 18

Madison was so nervous that she didn’t know how to

o answer.

Faced with Neville’s aggressive demeanor, she suddenly smiled. “Neville, he is your son.”

Neville suddenly pinched her chin, his eyes filled with coldness. “Do you think I’m easy to deceive, or do you think you have the qualifications to bear the heir of the Preston family!”

Madison’s heart was pierced again by his words. Neville always knew how to hit her sore spots accurately.

He never cared about her, so he never allowed her to get pregnant. He usually wore a condom when they had s**.

Regina had also secretly added some drugs to her soup to prevent her from getting pregnant

Neville might not be unaware of this, and his tacit approval was a form of indulgence towards Regina

If Neville had stopped his mother doing this, Madison wouldn’t have miscarried her second child.

What she couldn’t obtain became what Alison could show off. The favored ones were always arrogant.

Madison suppressed the bitterness and unwillingness in her heart and smiled. “Since you already have an answer, why bother asking me? Or were you expecting something just now!”

Neville seemed irritated by her words. “Even if you really have my child, I won’t let him be born into this world.”

Madison had known his answer long ago, but she felt heartbroken when hearing him say it in person.

“Rest assured. Mr. Preston. I won’t bring you such troubles

As Madison was about to leave, Neville’s mocking laughter came from behind. “How pathetic can you be to be the stepmother of Ross’s b astard?”

Madison’s eyes turned red instantly, and she said slowly, “Neville, he is not a b astard“”

“You’re so protective of him before you really become his stepmother.”


son, yet Neville referred

out, he would surely be

exposing Jeremy’s identity, Madison suppressed her anger and sorrow and gritted her teeth. “Neville, you will

departing figure, Neville felt

pocket, lit it, and started smoking one after another. He had never been

now on, if she wants to degrade herself, I won’t bother meddling,

Neville felt even angrier and

smoking room and was somewhat unsteady, tears uncontrollably streaming down her

endure Neville’s insults, but when he insulted Jeremy, a surge of

After the divorce, she would take Jeremy far

Chapter 18


have bullied Mommy! he

when someone bullied Madison, but now, if someone dared to bully her,

answering a call by the window, Jeremy slipped

smelled the scent of smoke in Madison, and upscale hotels usually had

just returned not long ago. That person might not have left yet,

He followed the signs and found the smoking room. Before entering, he put the

of the smoking room

inside and saw a man in a black suit leaning against

the smoke, and his

was that this man looked similar to

turned his head and saw a little guy at the door. The cartoon mask covered half of

said, “Kid, this is

man must be the one who

stood straight and pretended to look embarrassed. “Sir, do you know where the

the corridor to the east, and it’s

pointing and struggling

found it somewhat amusing. How could

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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