Chapter 126

Giddona announced her retirement three years ago, the same year Madison married to Neville.

Madison’s moves were similar to Giddona’s.

Why did a boxing expert who had been in the limelight for years suddenly leave the arena? Either she was injured severely, or she already got tired of this kind of competition.

However, Giddona was undoubtedly a boxing fanatic. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have repeatedly participated in the competition and become the winner time and time again.

The only explanation was the former, while Madison had undergone a kidney transplant three years ago. It was as if everything made sense.

Alison seemed to have suffered a heavy blow and did not come back to her senses for a long time.

She knew better than anyone else that the reason why Neville paid attention to Giddona was because she had saved his life three years ago.

All these years, he had been searching for her whereabouts. He never expected Giddona to be right in front of him.

But to her, this was the only chance to let Neville protect her and the Conner Group.

After a long while, Alison turned around and walked into the lounge. She dialed Daisy’s number with shaking hands.

Boxing was indeed the best way to vent.

After fighting for an hour, Madison was drenched in sweat. It was as if all the pores and vessels in her body had been dredged.

When she went to the bathroom with Hazel to wash up, Hazel looked at her smooth bones and perfect waist-hip shape. She could not help but exclaim, “Madison, your figure is amazing. If you enter the entertainment industry, you will defeat all the supermodels and actresses! No wonder that b a s t a r d can’t forget you.”

Madison curled her lips in disdain. “You f u c k i n g eyes see that he can’t forget me?”

Besides, Neville was a shrewd businessman. He would not be attached to any woman. Even if he had sex with her, in his words, it was just to make the best use of the resources.

Hazel knew that she was unwilling to talk about Neville, so she changed the topic. “To be honest, do you the boxing competition this year? It’s said that the Giddona is coming back.”

want to sign up


A cold light flashed in Madison’s misty eyes. So there was a bold imposter to steal her identity.

There was something that she stopped using, but that did not mean that she would give it up and let it be t r a m p l e d by anyone else.

He was waiting for me to get

time, won’t I

be crazy. If Giddona returns, she must be invincible. You are asking for a punch if you

well that Neville

this boxing match. Even if she did not use her previous ultimate move, she was still confident in

Chapter 126



bathroom was poor, so Alison could

almost rubbed her skin red. Once Madison participated in the competition, she must be exposed as the impostor. When she lost her last chance, not only would she be abandoned by the Conner

of flushing disappeared next door. She gritted her teeth and said, “Daisy, in case anything

u t is too c u n i n g. You have to

so many times. How can I stand

sent Hazel back, she

located in the southern suburbs. After getting off the highway, she had to drive past a

rainy season, and the dense rain


but frown. There were many high-end villa districts in the southern suburbs, and all the people coming and going were luxury cars. It was rare

she was about to reverse the car, she realized that there was also a large truck

arose in

about to call the police when she realized that there was


the truck. One of them knocked on the window of Madison. “Miss Guzman,

to break her fingers and quickly wrote a distress signal.

“May I know who?”

when you get there. I believe that you’re a smart

looked like he was going

The thugs in front of her were burly and had received professional training. She had to

risk no matter what

hid a dagger in her sleeve and smiled. “Alright, what a grand scene! I feel flattered. Must be a good


suddenly pushed the car door open and kicked

the opportunity to run

“Get her!”

her get


16 May

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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