Chapter 127

These men attempted to humiliate her and even wanted to turn her into a c r ip p l e.

The rain outside was getting heavier. It made c r a c k l i n g sounds when it hit the car shed as if it was knocking on the despair in Madison’s heart.

She pressed her fingers hard on the dagger and her palm was instantly cut. The smell of blood instantly stimulated her nerves, allowing her to regain sobriety.

“Even if I have to die today, you should at least let me know who made you do this?”

They did not expect her to be able to speak. A man sneered and said, “I’m sorry, Miss Guzman. Our boss only wants you to be a dead idiot. Everybody, it’s time!”

The iron rods hit Madison’s wrist and ankle hand. The intense pain made her body spasm.

She spat out a mouthful of blood and a strange smule appeared on her lips. “Very good. You asked for it!

After Neville left the bar, he drove straight back to the company.

As for his home, he always felt that Madison’s smell was everywhere, making him especially distraught

Just as he was having a video conference with a foreign client, his phone suddenly vibrated violently. He looked down and saw a message. [Mommy is in danger. Go to save her!]

Then, there was a location. It showed the highway where Madison was going home.

Neville immediately called Madison. When he heard the voice that her phone was switched off, his entire heart instantly became restless.

He did not have time to question the authenticity of the information. He first called the police and then called the butler of the Preston family. “Tell Eden to bring the Dark Guards to the southern suburbs immediately!”

“Mr. Neville, the Dark Guards serve only for the Preston family’s head. I’m afraid it will alarm Mr. Preston.”

Neville scolded, “You don’t need to know the reason. You just need to carry out my orders!”

Seeing that his persuasion was futile, the butler could only say, “Yes, Mr. Neville.”

After giving his instructions, Neville drove to his destination.

Along the way, heavy rain poured down and lightning flashed.

He was extremely frustrated. His entire heart felt like it was being roasted over a raging fire.

The rainy night reminded him of the first time he met Madison.

She was carried down from the operating room and gave him a pale smile. “Neville, can you marry me now?”

how could there be such a s t u p d woman who would risk her life

was indeed a vain gold

on this kind of

Madison had been silently in love with him


Thu, 16 May

Chapter 127

was just a test for him or a staged farce, he would

Women had to be

wanted a blatant and aboveboard response, he would

rain covered the sounds

black saw the woman covered in blood holding a dagger and looking at

won’t last long. Let’s

at them. “Very good. I like to end things

surrounded her and swung the iron rod at

across their wrists. She used the last of her strength to support herself with one

of the men fell to the

a rumbling


men in black quickly jumped out of the truck. Just as they were about to escape, they realized that a glaring light. was

people with weapons pointing their muzzles at them, and a

a cold expression alighted from

pressure instantly

of them and grabbed his collár. “Where

that his legs went weak. He pointed

quickly and slammed the fence with the butt of his

carriage. “Madison, don’t be afraid. Let’s

and the intense dizziness as she

wind lifted the tarpaulin of the c a r r i a g e, and a flash of

dagger and s t a g g e r e

as if it had been ruthlessly gouged

instantly enveloped

who was about to fall, and walked quickly to

to close, he stared at the group of people with red eyes. “Leave only


nu, 16 May

Chapter 127

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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