Chapter 128

Neville turned on the camera and saw what had happened.

In the video, Madison slashed herself a few times with the dagger, and blood instantly flowed from her body.

Under the stimulation of the smell of blood and the stinging pain, she seemed to have regained her senses and stood up unsteadily.

The thugs raised their iron rods and attacked her ruthlessly as if they wanted to kill her with every strike.

Madison endured the pain in her body while waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.

At this moment, she was no longer a trapped beast, but a hunter who had survived a desperate situation. With her sharp judgment and fortitude, she tried to fight her way out of the cage of despair.

However, there were many criminals in this group. There was still anesthetic in Madison’s body, causing her agility to be greatly reduced. She got beaten up a few times.

When he saw the iron rods hitting Madison’s back, wrist, and ankle, Neville’s heart ached.

This was a feeling he had never felt before.

He was used to controlling everything and thought that no one would affect his emotions.

However, Madison had broken through his defense.

He thought that this was probably because he cared about her.

Handing the camera to Eden, he instructed, “Increase the intensity of the interrogation. You must make him reveal the mastermind behind this. Otherwise, get out of the Dark Guards.”

“Yes, Mr. Neville.

“As for Mr. Preston, I’ll give him a satisfactory answer. You guys just focus on what you’re doing.”

After giving the orders, Neville returned to the ward.

Hazel was lying in Ross’s arms and wiping her tears. “Why is Madison so unlucky? Three years ago, she almost lost her life because of Neville. Now that she’s left that b a s a r d , she’s in trouble again.”

“It’s all Neville’s fault. If it weren’t for him, Madison wouldn’t have…”

Hazel turned around and saw the man who pushed the door open. She immediately pinched Ross’s waist and Ross. immediately shut his mouth.

Neville walked over with a dark expression.

k e

sat down. “I told you that I


you plan to do if we find out that the mastermind is

cover him up. I’ll let him to

I’ll trust Mr. Prestop



Chapter 128


Ross pulled Hazel away.

leaving now? What if


forget that he was the first person to save Madison. Since he

“Maybe it’s guilt.”

is out of danger. Compared to this, I’m

the message she had received. She

calm Jeremy down and wait for Madison to wake

ward, Madison was lying on the hospital bed with a pale expression. Her hair covered half of her face, and the dim

caressed her little face. He said hatefully. “Can’t you just

his Mrs. Preston, he would protect her very well. At least

into a nightmare

by a sharp item, and his o r g a n s were failing. He urgently needed to complete the

boxing match. When she heard the news, she quit the game and announced her retirement. She rushed to the

medical accident and she almost died on the operating table. When

“You’re so

eyes and realized that the face

Neville was lying beside

what happened in

one. His entire family was s t u p

landed on Neville’s

man in his sleep suddenly opened his eyes, as if he was very dissatisfied

dream! Madison simply closed her

at her. Instead, he leaned over and approached

warm breath landed on her face, making her curl

pushed him away. Her voice was h o a r s e. “Neville, what’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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