Chapter 129

Madison cursed in her heart, He is indeed a profiteer calculative about gains and losses in everything. I did owe him a huge favor. I have to think of how to repay him so that he won’t be picky about me.

A moment later, Hazel arrived at the ward with fruits and flowers.

Seeing Madison wake up, she gave Madison a big hug excitedly. “Madison, you’re finally awake. I was so worried last night that I couldn’t sleep at all.”

“Aren’t you going to audition today? Why are you free to come and see me?”

“You’re more important than the audition”

Madison rolled her eyes at Hazel, and Hazel finally told the truth. “Neville asked me to come. I don’t know how he found out about my schedule. He even asked the director to postpone the audition time.”

Madison raised her eyebrows, confused by what Neville had done even more.

“Did he tell you about my accident?”

Hazel’s expression turned serious. “Actually, I received the news as long as you were in trouble. Neville was faster than me and Ross when rushing to save you.”

As she spoke, she showed Madison the message Jeremy had sent to her.

Madison’s head buzzed.

Warning chips had been implanted in her and Jeremy’s bodies. If one of them was in a life-threatening situation, the other would sense it.

Jeremy knew that he could not rush to Madison immediately, so he sent messages to Hazel, Ross, and Neville.

Madison suddenly panicked and said to herself, ‘Oh no! I have to find an excuse to explain it to Jeremy.”

When she took out her phone, she realized that it had been broken and could not be turned on again.

To comfort Jeremy, she could only call him using Hazel’s phone.

Jeremy guessed that it was a call from Madison and asked anxiously, “Mommy, are you alright?”

Jeremy, I’m fine. It was just a sinall accident.”

“Hmph! You’re lying. Someone must be trying to hurt you. Tell me who he is. I’ll get even with him now!”

her, Madison felt a warmth in her heart. She smiled and said, “Jeremy,

to stay by

a weak woman. I will protect myself well, believe

of relief.

person by nature. How could she explain the message perfectly

why don’t you confess to Neville that Jeremy is

Chapter 129

immediately refused Hazel’s suggestion. “Absolutely

and the Preston family well. If Neville knew about Jeremy’s birth, he would s n a t c

life and her bottom line. She would

hidden. Neville

Jeremy. As for that message, I’ll


Hazel. If I told you that I didn’t know what happened back then,

stunned. “What was going on? In other words, both he and you didn’t

talk about the past

do you know that

that, I checked the surveillance footage and saw his face.

marriage, Madison had repeatedly

was about to say something when footsteps came from

in a low voice. “Be

remaining survivor in his private

moment, the person was riddled with

everything he had

employer is a woman called ‘Hate Madison. She transferred them 600 thousand dollars, saying that if they managed to break Miss Guzman’s limbs and shoot an indecent video, they would

his hand, his body

Why did she scheme against Madison with

you find out about that woman’s



account and found the bank card number. It’s actually…

patience. “When did you

account is actually

eyes suddenly widened. “Show me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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