Chapter 130

The corners of the document drew blood on Daisy’s face. She quickly looked through it and felt weak all over at the next


She thought that everything had been planned flawlessly. However, she did not expect Neville to find it out so soon.

She recalled Alison’s advice and pretended to be innocent as she looked at Neville. “Neville, you think I have hired people to

frame Madison?”

Neville’s handsome face was filled with hostility. “Who else could it be other than you?”

Daisy said with reddened eyes. “The bank cand was given to Madison by you. Haven’t you ever thought that it was her scheme? She pretended to be pitiful to you and tried to return to the Preston family.”

Neville sneered. “Daisy, are you overestimating yourself or underestimating Madison? Is she that s t u p i d to risk her life just to act pitiful?*

Daisy said through gritted teeth. “Neville, don’t be deceived by her. After all, she is unscrupulous to achieve her goals. Back then, to marry into the Preston family, she did not hesitate to donate one of her kidneys!”

Neville’s gaze swept across Daisy like a cold blade. “Daisy, there are plenty of seats at the police station. If you want, I can send you there in person at any time.”

Hearing that, Daisy failed to hold on and instantly collapsed to the ground.

Neville had never believed her from the beginning, and now, only he could save her.

Ignoring the pain in her body, Daisy crawled in front of Neville and cried. “Neville, I was wrong. If Madison hadn’t schemed against me. I wouldn’t have embarrassed myself in public at the auction. I was blinded by anger. I… I didn’t plan to ruin her. I just wanted to teach her a lesson.”

Neville said with rage, “You just wanted to teach her a lesson? Don’t try to defend yourself! You planned to break the tendons in her limbs and then shoot an indecent video of her!”

“Neville, I know I was wrong. Please give me another chance. I will apologize to Madison in person and beg for her forgiveness.”

Neville pushed her off coldly. “I can choose not to send you to the police station tonight.”

Daisy heaved a sigh of relief. Neville valued the reputation of the Preston family very much. No matter how she kicked up a fuss, what she had done wouldn’t be exposed to the public.

as he continued, “I will leave it to


Madison hates me so much. She will

“Then go to die!”

you said is equent

was disturbed by the argument. She wrapped herself in her nightdress and walked downstairs. “What are

last hope. She pounced on Regina and whimpered,

me to die!”

of the conversation from upstairs. She said casually to Neville, “Madison


09:43 Thu, 16 May

Chapter 130

to her later. Do

pupils suddenly constricted, and his gaze turned cold

in my life is being too indulgent to you. If you

“There’s no r o o m o

the ground and sobbed. “Mom, if that b i t c h found me, how could I survive? Neville was determined to force

had a headache. ‘Alright, stop crying. I’ll try to send Neville away tomorrow and bring

that she figured out that

hope for wealth or power. I’ll reward her with a few pieces of old jewelry and then promise her the status of Neville’s wife.

attentively. “Mom, it’s all up to you whether I can still be filial to you

worry. There’s no one in the world that I

When the smell of smoke on his body dissipated, he walked toward the ward with

window, he saw Madison and Hazel chatting happily. Hazel said

Madison smiled, she was

that in the three years in the Preston family,

he pushed the door open and entered. The laughter

“Am I a monster? Why are you so afraid of

heart. She said, “I….I’ve arranged to have dinner with Ross. Mr. Preston, please take care

tongue at Madison. Then, she


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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