Chapter 131

Neville seemed to have seen through Madison’s thoughts. He unlocked his phone and said half-jokingly, “You mean this message? Indeed, you have to explain it to me. Did you give birth to a child without telling me?”

Madison’s heart s k i p p ed a beat. She wondered. This d a m n man was probably well-prepared.

After weighing her words, she clicked open an app on her new phone. “This mother-and-baby app has a smart function. Based on the environment and the blow to the phone, it can sense if the owner is in danger. If so, it will select a few acquaintances in the contact list and send an alarm message to them.”

en as a u

The comers of Neville’s lips twitched. So, it was just a random message. He thought that he had been chosen knight.

a unique

“Miss Guzman, please send the app to me. I hope that if I’m in danger one day, you can also receive a random warning


Madison sent the app to Neville as he asked.

Seeing him flipping through it, she felt her anxious heart slowly relaxed.

Fortunately, before Neville arrived, she had optimized the application and developed an emergency warning function.

As expected. Neville saw the warning settings and did not suspect anything. Anyway, he did not have any physical contact with Madison before they got married and paid enough attention to contraception after they got married. Naturally, in his opinion, Madison would not get pregnant accidentally.

“Madison, you’ve caused me to misunderstand again and again. Are you hinting that you want to have a child with me?”


Neville suddenly changed the topic, which was purely unexpected to Madison. For a moment, she did not know how to respond.

Seeing her fall into silence, Neville took it as her tacit agreement. He said seriously, “I have no objection, but now is not the right time. Just wait for a longer while.”

Madison glanced at him as if she was looking at an idiot. “Neville, go out and turn right, and you’ll be in the neurology department. I think you need a check-up there.”

about the exposure of her true thoughts. So, he

tightness in her chest and drank all the

slightly when he saw her return the

the first time they had gotten along

their divorce.

bygones and saved me from danger. If you want anything, just

eyelids. “What

show sone sincerity.


percent of the interest

Chapter 131

Neville’s face darkened.

gritted her teeth

covered by coldness, and

her heart. ‘Sure enough, he was born to be an unscrupulous businessman. Even if I promised him fifteen. percent

Fliwip will get 65% of it according to the contract. There is

laughed. “Why do you always think that I’m short

stunned for a moment. All she could repay him now was

Preston, you won’t

Instead, he stared at Madison with a burning gaze. “Madison, I’m really in love with you. Please give

moment, Madison felt as if she had been struck by

you have something else

and said, “There is indeed another

relief. “What is

found out who’s behind your

Preston, you have always been efficient. Let me guess. Is the person

had guessed the result the moment Neville expressed his love for

to set up a honey trap to ask for a favor. Considering what had happened recently, only Daisy and Alison had

“It’s Daisy.”

me the truth the next time you plead for mercy. Although I don’t believe

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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