Chapter 133
Roger said clearly. According to the provisions of the criminal law, those who deliberately kill people will be sentenced to death, life imprisonment, or imprisonment for more than ten years. Those with lighter circumstances will be sentenced to imprisonment for more than three years and less than ten years.”
A cold smile appeared on Madison’s face. Then charge her with premeditated murder.”
Hearing that, Daisy collapsed to the ground.
Regina yelled at Madison, “You heartless ingrate! You’ve been Daisy’s sister-in-law for three years, yet you’re so vicious as to force her to death! Do you have any conscience?”
and Madison sneered and said. “You still have the cheek to talk to me about what happened three years ago. Haven’t you Daisy always treated me as a maid and vented your anger on me? Originally, I didn’t want to get even with you, but you provoked me time and time again. This time, you even planned to kill me. If I didn’t retaliate, you would think that I was easy to be controlled, wouldn’t you?”
“B i t c h! You’ll come to beg me one day!”
Regina’s heart was filled with anger as she dragged Daisy away.
Along the way. Daisy sobbed.
Regina had a headache and said impatiently, “Why are you crying again?
“Mom, that Madison is going to send me to jail. Neville has been bewitched by her. What should I do?”
If she went to jail, she would become the laughingstock of the upper class in Norxion. Once her reputation was stained, her future would also be ruined, not to mention that the person who destroyed her was Madison.
Regina snorted and said. “Madison is just relying on the fact that Neville is still interested in her. She forgot the other head of the Preston family.”
“You mean Grandpa? Will he help us?”
“He cares a lot about his reputation. You are a member of the Preston family anyway, and he won’t allow you to be sent to prison. As long as he pressures Neville, Neville will not dare to disobey him. When the time comes, that presumptuous b i t c h can do nothing!”
On the day Madison was discharged from the hospital, Roger went to the police station with her to make a statement.
Roger handed the surveillance footage and brought the witness whose limbs were broken to the police. When Madison saw that, a complicated emotion flashed across her eyes.
She thought, ‘Neville felt guilty, and that was why he chose righteousness instead of his family?

AT king out of the police station, Madison thanked Roger. Roger smiled and said, “Miss Guzman, you can wait for Preston to return to the country and thank him in person. These things were all arranged by him, and I’m just fulfilling my dury.”
“Is he on a business trip?”
“Something thorny happened to the business overseas, and it required Mr. Preston to resolve. He should be back within a week. Miss Guzman, you don’t have to worry too much.”
Madison rolled her eyes and complained in her heart, ‘I don’t worry about anything, okay? With Neville’s personality, it would be a blessing if he did not trap others. Is there someone who can scheme against him? Besides, he and I are just
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Chapter 133
business partners at best.”
Even so, she thought about how Neville had helped her and decided to return the favor.
Madison deliberated for a moment before sending a message. [Mr. Preston, I’ve filed a lawsuit. The court will sentence Daisy in a month.]
If Neville pleaded for Daisy, Madison would be relieved. Compared to dealing with Daisy, she was even more unwilling to owe Neville a favor.
Neville replied, [Okay. Do as you want. From today onwards, Roger will be your litigator. If you need anything, contact him at any time.]
His nonchalant tone confused Madison. Did he really intend to give up on Daisy?
In the past, when Daisy humiliated Madison, Neville’s indulgence made Daisy push her luck even further.
For a moment, Madison couldn’t figure out what Neville was thinking. She texted, [Thank you, Mr. Preston. When you come back from your business trip. I’ll treat you to a meal.]
Neville replied with an “Okay”, and a smile appeared on his face.
He thought. She finally made a little progress. She did not mention money in front of me again.”
Seeing Neville smile, Bernard asked, “Mr. Preston, what makes you so happy?”
Neville restrained his smile. “The fish that I’ve been keeping for a long time is finally going to be caught. Can’t I be happy?”
Bernard was confused.
“Rearrange my schedule when I return to the country, Miss Guzman will treat me to a meal.
Bernard did not say anything. Neville continued, “Do you know what the meal means? It’s a signal for her to express her goodwill to me.”
The corners of Bernard’s lips twitched as he thought, ‘Isn’t it a result of you putting righteousness above family?
“Alright. Congratulations, Mr. Preston.”
Neville’s lips curled into a faint smile. He was confident and said to himself, ‘After all, I have been in Madison’s heart for ten years. This time, I saved her in distress, and she should be touched by me. In the past, she has blamed me for not standing by her side and putting myself in her shoes. Now, I ignored the blame from my family and chose to support her. She should probably be moved to tears.”
At night, the police went to the Preston’s residence to take Daisy away.
Daisy was so scared that her legs went weak. She cried miserably until her voice was h
o a r
Regina said sternly, “Shut up. Do you want everyone to know that you’ve committed a crime?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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