Chapter 134

Madison browsed the webpage and found that last night’s theft case in the Preston family was trending.

She knew that it was a lie compiled by Regina to cover up the news that Daisy had been taken away by the police.

She thought. It seemed that the Preston family was determined to deal with me. I’ll tell them that I’m not a pushover

Madison contacted Hazel and got her to inform a few entertainment reporters to spread the news of Daisy being detained for premeditated murder.

However, this way. Madison would be on the trending topics with Daisy. Furthermore, the Preston family would also press on step by step.

Hazel suggested, “Madison, why don’t you leave and stay out of the limelight for a few days? Just treat it as a break.”

Madison had not seen Jeremy for a long time. At Hazel’s suggestion, she instructed Margaret to book a plane ticket to Warcana Island for her.

When Margaret delivered the plane ticket to Madison, she reported, “Miss Guzman, a client from Wellhaven has been asking about your whereabouts recently. As I asked about the details, he didn’t say anything

Madison raised her eyebrows. Her company had little business dealings with the companies in Wellhaven. Many years ago, she had created a gang called Utopia in Wellhaven on the spur of the moment.

Ever since she decided to return to the country, she had entrusted Utopia to the other leader, Crow.

Now that she had retired, she would leave cleanly. All these years, she had never interfered in the matters of Utopia and had even cut off all contact with everyone in the gang.

Could it be that Crow was asking a favor?

Madison nodded, indicating that she knew about that. I’m going on a business trip for a few days. Help me deal with the affairs of the company. Report to me if anything abnormal happens.”

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Margaret nodded respectfully and closed the door.


and sobbed, “Oh my goodness! If you contacted me a bit later, our Utopia

gang leader for three years. Why are you still so cowardly when something

a coward. Do you remember Python

through gritted teeth, “Of

her, the representative of Utopia, and Green Python, the leader Python Gang. Back then, she had

had to recuperate for half a

stop until either of us dies! None of the other members but only you can be a


Chapter 134

sworn not to intervene in the gang’s

death together. Can you bear to see us die tragically. because of

said that the life and death of Utopia would have nothing

of the Python Gang, Green Python, made an announcement. He said that he would take down Utopia and capture you alive. After that, he would

goad her. On account of their years of friendship, she could not leave Utopia in

when she went to Warcana Island. So, she said, “I’ll help you only once. There

survive this crisis, we will thank you and your

with me

others. It was the Python Gang who initiated the provocation. Moreover, they even threatened to

Python had always been meticulous and cautious. Even if he had fought her one-on-one at that time, it was to fight for dominance

had been recuperating for the past three years. However, he suddenly came back in a high-profile manner, which was unexpected

had left Utopia three years ago, and Green Python had

was unlikely. After all, she was the one who was injured

the serious injury, she almost died

what happened, Madison had to

the Python Gang. When he saw that there was only a balance of

Gang, was so

threw the cup on the table at Nolan. “You good-for-nothing! Get out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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