
I went to sleep that night with anger still in my heart for Edrick.

When I woke up, however, that anger turned into fear.

I found myself no longer in my bed, but I was now at the little desk that was in my room. And it wasn’t just that, either. I had my sketchbook lying on the desk in front of me, and what was drawn on it…

Was the knife.

I gasped and quickly snapped the sketchbook shut. Why was this happening to me? I stood, knowing that I needed to tell someone, but I couldn’t tell Edrick. If I told him, then he would likely only freak out even more, and I already felt like a prisoner.

These drawings had to be prophetic. And the only way that I could get to the bottom of what they really meant was by accessing whatever part of my brain that they were coming from. Maybe then, I could start to use them to my advantage before something really bad happened.

It was late, but Dr. Rhodes did mention that I could call him anytime I needed anything. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed his number with shaking hands.

“Hello?” he answered a few rings later. “Is everything alright, Moana?”

I let out a sigh of relief. “Dr. Rhodes, I need your help. I’ve been having more dreams… I want to try hypnosis again.”

Dr. Rhodes paused for a few moments. “I could come to the penthouse tomorrow, if you want—”

“No!” I insisted. “It needs to be right now. Is there any way you can do it over the phone?”

few moments. I bit my lip as I listened to

easy. And if you see or feel something during hypnosis that frightens you or makes you feel bad, you might get hurt if I’m

the bottom of this, and something in me was telling me that I needed to do it now. Time was ticking, and somehow I felt that figuring out the source of these visions might help figure out how

Rhodes said with a sigh. “Do you have a comfortable place to lie down? And

only my bedside table lamp on, and then quickly

guided me into a state of hypnosis. I pushed my mind to open up to the idea, but for a long time nothing happened, just like the last time that we tried. In

in a dream, half out of a dream. My mind felt foggy, but clearer than ever at the

into the wind across a pond. It felt light and airy and far away, but the words came to me all

replied, my tongue

you to try to picture a place. Any place. Just let

first. But

The cliff.

do you see?” Dr. Rhodes

said. “With pine trees on one side… It’s raining, and the sky is dark and

and turned fully around. My heart practically stopped as I saw a figure standing off in

else here,”

you walk up to that

was scared to do it, but I also knew that this was just hypnosis, and it wasn’t real. Deep down, I knew that it was Michael; but maybe

wind blew so heavily. Even the rain soaked my clothes; it was all so real that it was deceptive. If I didn’t focus on the fact that this was just a vision, I felt for sure as though I would suddenly get stuck

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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