Nanny and the Alpha Daddy
#Chapter 228: Dead End

I let out a yelp. I jolted, and then everything stopped. The rain, the wind, the grass… All of it turned back into the still, calm air of my bedroom. Michael’s hand no longer gripped my wrist, and the golden glint of the knife in his hand turned into the soft amber glow of the lamp on my bedside table.

“Moana?” Dr. Rhodes said, sounding concerned. “Are you there?”

I quickly sat up and rubbed my eyes. “Y-Yes,” I replied. “I’m okay. It’s just…”

“What is it?”

I shook my head. “Nothing,” I lied. “Dr. Rhodes… Will you be available to try again tomorrow?”

The therapist paused, then cleared his throat. “Sure. You can call me anytime if you want to try again, or even if you just need to talk. Are you sure you’re okay, though?”

“I’m fine,” I lied again, even though my hands were shaking. “Thanks, Dr. Rhodes. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

I didn’t sleep very much at all for the rest of the night. I was too nervous to try to sleep in case I sleepwalked again or had another vision, but at the same time I also couldn’t stop thinking about the vision I had during hypnosis.

It wasn’t really any different than my other visions. But this time, something just felt… off. It almost felt as though there was something else in the mist behind Michael, another presence. Was there someone else working with him?

The next morning, I woke up after getting a couple hours of sleep and awoke to the smell of bacon rising up through the house. I was hungry, and my hypnosis session with Dr. Rhodes made me temporarily forget about my anger toward Edrick, so I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs to get something to eat.

When I walked into the dining room, Edrick and Ella were sitting at the table while Selina scurried around placing food down.

she saw me. “Sit down. I

there was also something soft and apologetic behind it. Instantly, I started to wonder if I was too

fork. She was leaning her cheek into her hand, and kept letting out loud, dramatic sighs every


Saturday,” Edrick chided gently. “You wouldn’t be

he usually did during breakfast time,

your tongue back in your

widened at the fact that her father had seen her stick her tongue out

still not fair!” she whined. “I won’t be able to go

back to school even if we were in the city,” he said, to which Ella scowled.

“I guess,” she moaned. “But

not always

voice was short and stern. The table fell silent. Even Selina and I froze at Edrick’s sudden snap; it was extremely rare that he ever was so stern with her. I opened my mouth to say something, because I felt as though it was unfair for him to snap at her when he was the one who dragged her away from home to begin with,

and set his coffee cup down.

up at her, but said nothing. His eyes then wandered over to me, and his gaze locked on mine for

my conversation with Dr. Rhodes the night before. If he hadn’t heard it, I almost wondered if I should say something to him about it…

hands with buttering my toast. It was also a way

school,” she

chided gently. “You wouldn’t be at

okay,” Ella said with a sigh, breaking the silence. “I’m sorry

Sometimes I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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