#Chapter 233: The Cliff


“Kat?” I called out.

My bodyguard was nowhere to be found. One minute she was right beside me, and the next she was just… gone. She just took off running and didn’t look back.

Maybe she found the valerian roots, I thought to myself, although I think I knew deep down that it wasn’t the case. She had left me; although I didn’t know why.


I started to jog in the direction that she ran off to. Over my head, the wind began howling more aggressively and the sky darkened as a horrible thunderstorm began to form in the sky. No matter which way I turned, I couldn’t see the mansion anywhere.

And we had taken so many turns that I didn’t even know where I should go to find it now.

“Okay…” I stopped and shut my eyes for a moment, thinking. We hadn’t been walking for that long… Maybe if I just got my bearings, I could find my way back to the mansion. When I opened my eyes again, I resolved to start off by heading upwards, since I remembered walking down a gradual slope.

But from here, I couldn’t even see where the slope began. The only marker I had nearby was the stream that we crossed, but I didn’t know where to go from there. If only I had been paying attention to all of the winding twists and turns that Kat took me on.

Suddenly, I heard a soft voice calling over the wind.

“Moana!” it called.

It was Kat.

I let out a sigh of relief. “Kat?! Where are you?!” I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth in order to be heard better over the sound of the whistling wind.

silence, and then the

Follow my

direction of Kat’s voice. I guessed that she really did find the valerian roots, or maybe she got a little lost herself when she ran off.

out again, still

Another silence.

“This way!”

eyes to see

I whispered to myself.

a few moments, but heard nothing except for the sound of the wind. More rain began to fall, even harder than

her voice echoing in my mind. “I think we

on a wild goose chase, I needed to prioritize my baby’s safety. If I stayed out here for too long, anything

hood up and began to trudge

it a few steps before I realized that I didn’t know where I was. I

whispered, half to myself and half to my wolf. “At the

go with my gut. I began walking, keeping my arms folded across my chest to hold my jacket tight against me. It was already almost entirely soaked through, though. At least I

a scent to get

I could sense that she was trying to pick up a trail to get home, but it

can’t,” she replied. “I’m sorry, Moana. The rain is dampening my sense of smell, and since I haven’t shifted yet it

alright.” I sighed, louder

bit, which was promising. Maybe I was reaching the edge of the forest. The mist was too heavy to see the mansion, but I figured that maybe it was lying ahead of

trees thinned out

just hoping that he was nearby and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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