#Chapter 234: The Hunt


Ella slowly pointed her little finger in the direction where I last saw Moana and Kat walking over by the edge of the forest.

Only now, no one was there.

I felt my heart drop as I quickly scanned the treeline. I couldn’t see a flash of red hair anywhere I looked, no matter how hard I strained my eyes through the light drizzle of rain and the darkening sky.

Maybe she came back in without me realizing, I thought to myself.

“What’s wrong, daddy?” Ella asked, c*****g her head.

I shook my head and stood, forcing a weak smile so as not to cause Ella to panic. “Nothing, baby. Why don’t you go up to your room and play? Ask one of the maids to stay with you.”

Ella gave me a puzzled look, but didn’t protest. I watched in horror as she ran off to play, and then I bolted into the kitchen to look for Selina.

“Have you seen Moana?” I asked once I found Selina bent over the sink, washing dishes. She made a face and shook her head as she wiped her hands off on her apron.

“I haven’t seen her since she went on her walk with her bodyguard,” she said, turning to face me with a frown on her face. “Why? Is everything alright?”

security guards,” I demanded as I grabbed my coat off of the hook. “I’m going to look for her. Tell them that… my father was

by now, and the sky

ran up to the edge of the forest, I felt as though my heart was falling into the

called into the dark forest, peering in and using my night vision to look

under my breath as I pushed forward into the woods, hoping that I could at least pick up some sort of trail. The rain and

thought to myself as I hurriedly walked further into the forest, keeping my head on a constant swivel in case Moana — or someone else — suddenly appeared. I never should have let her go on that

up for the first time in a

said. “I can sense

racing a mile a minute. “What do you

“But I can tell that she’s alive, and she’s afraid. Maybe she got

I already knew that that would be a risk. The moment that Ella said that the book she had came from

sense her fear, then at least we knew that

to her

the forest. Up ahead, I scanned the forest with my night vision and smelled the air for anything; any scent, any

tree with moss growing on top of it. Some of the moss was broken on one spot, and it looked fresh, like someone stepped over it and tripped on it just a little bit. It was faint, but as I ran up to

loud, jumping over the log. I

I gave her strict orders not to let Moana out of her sight. Unless something happened to Kat, there would be no reason for her to let Moana wander and get lost or hurt. I hated to think that something else may have happened… What if Kat wasn’t as good as we thought? What if she was up to

I said to myself, thinking deeply as I continued to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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