#Chapter 235: All Alone on the Cliff


“The baby’s strength has proven to be incredible before,” I finally said, clenching my fists tightly next to my sides. “Try it now.”

After a moment of waiting, I felt my wolf’s power surge ever so slightly as she released a large amount of her scent.

“There,” she said, sounding somewhat satisfied with herself. “I released a lot of scent. Even more than before, when you were in the Rogue district. If Edrick is anywhere nearby, he’ll certainly smell you.”

I felt a bit relieved, but not completely. There was still the threat of Michael coming out of that mist, just like in my dreams. And now the rain and the wind were only getting even more intense as time went on.

“Kat?!” I called out into the mist, hoping for a response. “Edrick?!”

There was no answer. My quivering, scared voice was almost completely drowned out by the sound of the wind and the rain anyway.

I felt so stupid for following Kat into the woods. I should have stayed up at the mansion, where it was safe. If Michael was somehow out there, at least I could be close to Edrick and the other security guards; now, I didn’t even know where I was because of the thick mist that was settling around me.

And yet, at the same time, all of this almost felt like fate. Like it was all some sort of grand plan to get me out here where Michael could kill me.

Was this my fate as the Golden Wolf? To die at the hands of an evil man? Was this what happened to all of the Golden Wolves that came before me?

I shivered, feeling the cold of the rain starting to seep through my clothes. My hair and my face were soaked, and I protectively rubbed my protruding belly, just hoping that if nothing else bad happened, that this cold wouldn’t harm the baby.

all alone next to the cliff. I shakily made my way over to it, taking care not to slip or lose my footing, and sat down

from the night before with Dr. Rhodes. My vision wasn’t particularly any different from the others, but there was something new that I

else in the mist, as

that Kat that I sensed? All along, was she secretly working with Michael? Was drawing me away from

about it made me sick. To think that I had trusted her… And now the last image I had of her flashing through my mind

the rain whipped at my hair and my clothes, and I shivered violently as I pulled my light jacket closer around my shoulders and

felt as though I couldn’t tear my eyes away

I expected one of three people to come out of the mist: Kat, Edrick, or Michael. I hoped that it was Edrick, but if my visions were telling me the truth about what

yet?” I

rain is dampening my senses too much.

made me feel even more sick to my stomach than I already was. The perfect storm… Kat had to have lured me out here on purpose. This was their plan all along — to get me isolated in a dangerous place with no way to get

was probably just playing into their plan by releasing my scent so that I could be

my scent out of fear that it would draw Michael

faltered as I suddenly saw a dark figure materializing

chest. I scrambled to my feet, holding onto the tree with one hand to steady myself as I strained my eyes to see into the


a little closer, like they were testing their own footing. As the figure came closer, I could see that it was a man. My spirits raised a little; it had to be Edrick. The figure’s frame looked too similar to Edrick, and the way that

waving my arm.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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