#Chapter 236: The Evil Father


“Hello, Moana.” Michael’s harsh voice rang so loudly in my skull that I winced and staggered backwards a little.

My eyes widened as I looked down and saw what he was holding so tightly in his hand: the Golden Knife. The knife that was going to kill me. The knife that I felt plunge into my chest over and over again in my visions.

“M-Michael,” I said, taking another step back, “what are you doing? W-Why do you have that knife?”

Michael slowly took another step toward me. I could see the droplets of rain sliding down the blade of the golden knife in Michael’s hand and the droplets falling off of the sharp, curved tip.

“M-Michael?” I repeated as he continued to approach. My eyes searched wildly for a way to escape, but there was no way around him — not without being able to see more than a few feet in front of me. I didn’t know if anyone else was with him, or what would happen to me if I ran into the mist blindly.

Michael sighed. He lifted the knife up and inspected it in the light, turning it this way and that. I could see how the golden blade glinted, how it sparkled from the rain falling on it. Everything from the wolf head on the handle to the way that the blade curved slightly was exactly the way it looked in my visions.

“I don’t particularly want to kill you, you know,” Michael said, wiping the water off of the blade with his sleeve.

I shook my head. “You don’t have to,” I whimpered. “We can both walk away from here. If you want me to leave your family alone, then I will. I’ll do whatever you want, so long as my baby is safe.”

For a few long moments, Michael just stared at me with his glowing eyes that pierced through the rain and the mist between us. I pleaded with him with my own eyes to just let me go, and all the while I begged my wolf to do something… Anything.

need to

I can, Moana,” she replied, sounding just as panicked as I felt. “But it’s too hard.

“Keep trying!”

took another step backwards, but when I glanced over my shoulder I

if I should just jump. Take my death into my own

to kill you, just like I killed your parents. I should have killed you first, before they had the chance

doorstep of the orphanage because they were trying to save me; not because they were ashamed of me. They knew about my

out?” he asked. “I’ll admit, I didn’t realize who you were the first couple of times we met. I thought you were just a human toy of my son’s, another woman who trapped him with the bastard child in your belly

You would have killed me as a baby to achieve your goal? You willingly left a child as

time, Michael didn’t answer. I felt my entire body start to shake as I became filled with an inexplicable rage. “Why?!” I demanded. My voice screamed out

But he only laughed.

said. “Some of us actually have a lot to lose. A good-for-nothing moron such as yourself would never understand the implications behind the Golden Wolf’s existence. Besides… By you and your baby dying now, you’ll be saving generations of pain. The Golden Wolf will always be hunted, and

felt sick, sicker than I felt before. My lip quivered as I spoke. “You’re disgusting and vile,” I growled, feeling myself gain strength and confidence. If I was going to die now, then I would go with dignity. “What sort of a monster wipes out the entire bloodline

me. “You know nothing about peace,” he said,

my stomach lurch. “Edrick!!” I screamed again, hoping beyond hope that he would be close enough to hear me, and he would know that I needed him now. I continued

son can’t hear you, you dumb w***e,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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