#Chapter 237: The Golden Light


I thought for sure that I was going to die.

“Please,” I begged my wolf, “I need to shift. It’s the only way to save my baby.”

The strong wind whipped against my hair and my clothes, and the rain had soaked all the way down to my skin by now. Behind me, I had nowhere to go but down. My heels already stood on the edge of the cliff, and I was just a small push from falling to my death.

And yet, even then, as Michael slowly stalked toward me I knew that I would rather jump to my death than give him the satisfaction of killing me himself.

But I did still have a chance; maybe, if I could distract him and stall for just a little bit longer, I would be able to get help. I was certain that Edrick was on his way to rescue me. I could feel it. I just needed to give him the time to find me, and hope that he would be able to pick up my scent by now.

I pointed at the knife, trying my best to hide the violent shaking in my hand.

“That knife,” I said, noticing how Michael’s eyes followed my finger down to the golden knife in his hand, “why use that to kill me? You could just push me.”

Michael was silent for a moment. His eyes stared down at the knife during that moment, and I decided to take it as an opportunity to start inching to the left. Maybe I could get around him. I could run into the mist, although I didn’t know what the mist held in store for me. It was better than just standing here and letting him murder me.

Ethan was smart and cunning, and yet my stalling tactics worked on him that night in the warehouse. But there was a difference between Michael and Ethan: Ethan secretly loved me, and he didn’t want to kill me. Michael, on the other hand, didn’t care about my life. He only saw me as an infestation on the earth that he needed to wipe out.

with that, Michael

to the right, Michael stepped

in my direction. “You can’t stall for time or pull the wool

My tongue felt too thick and hard in

to try to bargain my

may be a harbinger of peace, but only if it chooses to do so,” I said, my voice trembling as I nervously clenched my fists at my sides. “If I promise not to get in the way of any of

up!” Michael growled. He took another step toward me. I felt myself teeter backwards a

and conveyed all of my fear,

we need to shift.

a surge of power. It was different from all of the times that I felt it before. It was stronger, more potent. I felt

when I saw Michael staggering backwards, holding his arm up over his eyes to protect himself from the blinding golden light that was emanating

and not from the storm. It knocked Michael backwards a little more, and he crouched down, trying to

lift off of the ground. I had no wings, and yet some sort of ethereal force was

head, all the way from the first Golden Wolf to my parents. It was as though all of my ancestors who

and yet I knew that they were my parents. My mom’s red hair was just like mine… My dad had my smile as he looked at me. I felt tears come to my eyes as I saw their hands intertwined, and their memories floated through my mind, filling me with all of

of our little house on the night that I was born. My mom’s belly was swollen, and her water hadn’t broken

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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