#Chapter 240: Shifted


“Edrick?” I called out.

My voice was only met with nothing but an echo. The world around me was silent… In fact, as my eyes slowly opened, I realized that I was no longer on the cliff. The only thing that I could see around me was a soft, golden light that was somehow blinding yet calming at the same time.

Was this what it was like to be dead?

The last thing I could remember was the blood on my fingers. Michael must have stabbed me and finally got his way, and now I was dead.

I quickly looked down at my hands. There was no blood. No pain… In fact, I didn’t feel anything at all. I could hardly tell where my skin ended and the golden light began. My body felt weightless and free, like my entire existence was just a feeling and not a physical mass.

But it was strange. When I was in my coma, everything was just a black void. But now, it was all golden and peaceful.


I jumped when I heard my wolf’s voice call out from the golden light.

“Mina?” I asked, looking around wildly. “Is that you?”

“Yes, it’s me.” Her voice seemed to be echoing all around me at first, but then it started to coagulate into one place. Finally I could pinpoint where her voice was coming from, and I spun around in that direction.

My eyes widened when I finally saw her standing there for the first time… In the flesh.

“Mina,” I whispered, reaching out my hands as she slowly approached me. “You’re so… beautiful.”

She was everything that I imagined, and more. Her fur was a beautiful, vibrant golden color, like the color of the sun. She had a little white swirl on her forehead that came down her muzzle in a thin line. That same white patch was on the front of her chest.

When I tangled my fingers into her fur, it was so silky and soft. It felt as though I was touching feathers, or nothing at all.

her tail. It wasn’t just one tail, but three. She was unlike any wolf I

it?” she asked, twitching her three tails back and

different colors; one was bright blue, like the

so fascinated by her

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

head and stared down at my feet. “I’m sorry we couldn’t shift in time. I feel like I failed you. Like I failed the world by allowing the last generation of

a puzzled look. “I said no, though,” she said, chuckling a


that you were dead, but you’re not. You’re just


“Time feels frozen right

nodded slowly, then bit my lip. “It

and looked around. “This is what it’s been like for me for the past three months. I guess you’re getting to experience it now. Most people never get to visit the place

suddenly looked down at my belly. Even in this strange nonexistent place, it was still protruding with the little life

Mina said. “The knife shattered, and you healed almost instantly since you had

widened. “Is

before answering. “Are you sure

asked, storming closer to

right next to him when he was already injured. There is a chance… Are you sure

welled up in my eyes and I clamped my hand over my mouth to stifle my sob.

at me and

pain erupted from my mouth. My throat felt as though it was closing up, and everything started to blur around me. My chest caved in, and it felt as

imagine a life


stay here,” I said once I was able to speak. “Even if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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