#Chapter 241: The Shattered Knife


Suddenly, the golden void that I was stuck inside returned to the cliff. Only now, instead of a raging thunderstorm, it was sunny and beautiful. The birds sang overhead, and the air felt warm and fresh and a little damp from the rain.

But I didn’t care about any of that. I didn’t even care that I was no longer in my human form, either. I only cared about Edrick.

I jerked my head up and looked around.

No, I thought to myself as I saw the two motionless figures lying in the grass.

I scrambled to my feet and ran over to them. It felt a bit strange running on four legs instead of two, but I didn’t have time to think about it right now. All I could think about was finding Edrick and making sure that he was okay.

As the figures came into view, I felt my heart sink. I didn’t want anyone to die — not even Michael, despite the fact that he was trying to kill me. But when I saw the golden shards of the shattered knife lying next to him, and the cuts that traveled up his arms, I knew that he didn’t make it.

The knife must have shattered in his hand, and sliced up his arm. Blood was pooled around him, and he didn’t seem to be breathing.

But right now, I was more concerned about Edrick. He wasn’t lying too far away, and I could see his chest moving slightly as I ran up to him.

Like the knife, my heart shattered into a million pieces as I saw Edrick lying there. His body was covered in blood and gashes from the fight. Without thinking, I shifted back into my human form and fell to my knees beside him.

“Edrick?” I whispered, tapping on the side of his face as I felt my throat choke up. “Edrick, say something.”

His chest was moving slightly. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but I swore that I saw his eyelids flutter.

He wasn’t dead yet… I was sure of it.

him,” I said to Mina, whose presence was stronger than ever now.

at the back of my mind, but now that I had finally shifted for the first time, it felt oddly as though she was an entirely second being existing inside of me. Like we were two

it felt as if becoming the Golden Wolf filled me with a new knowledge that I had never felt before,

I’ll give you

I looked down at Edrick. I put my hands on him, wincing as I felt his warm blood beneath my fingers, and did exactly

of my energy on healing him. In my mind, I pictured him being healthy and safe, without any injuries or pain. I pictured

a tingling

I whispered, focusing

eyelids moved again. This

he murmured. His voice sounded hoarse and strained, but I only felt

Mina instructed. “Don’t

I could feel his chest rising and falling more naturally now, and a


focus my energy on healing him.

body. I felt the energy in my arms

him and tried to put my hands back

strained croak. “You’ll hurt the baby… Just go.

head, my eyes filling up with tears. “No,” I said, wrenching my hands free. “I

grip and cursed under my breath as I saw the unmistakable red flowers of blood blossoming out beneath his white shirt, staining the fabric a deep

on him and

I couldn’t feel

not caring if Edrick heard me.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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