Rushing to the hospital usually takes at least thirty minutes to get any results, but this time it was instant.

The doctor was visibly thrilled, "This is fantastic. We need you to give a blood transfusion to the patient right now. We're talking about at least 400cc, maybe even 600cc. Can you do it?" "Sure, I can do more if needed," I had to save Conrad, even if his injury wasn't my fault. I couldn't let him bleed out and die.

After changing into sterile clothing, I was ushered into the emergency room.

There, lying on the emergency bed, was Conrad. His face was as pale as a ghost, completely still.

The doctor had mentioned his life was hanging by a thread, and my heart raced with panic. Approaching him, I gently hooked his pinky finger, whispering, "Conrad, you've got to pull through." He needed to fight, and I needed to give him my blood.

I laid down on the adjacent emergency bed, bracing myself as the sharp needle pierced my skin, my bright red blood flowing through the clear tube into Conrad's body.

I lost track of how much blood was drawn. All I knew was that my blood kept flowing out, and my vision began to blur, a heavy drowsiness taking over.

I recognized this as a symptom of blood loss.

But I couldn't stop; Conrad needed my blood to live.

"We've drawn 600cc already," the assistant doctor informed us.

levels haven't risen. We need

ask, I quickly said,

out from blood loss," the assistant

okay," I insisted, mustering all the strength I had left. "Really,

my determination that convinced them. The assistant doctor checked with the lead surgeon, "How much

"At least another 200cc."

at me, concerned, "Are you

can," I said with a

my resolve, the

doctor reluctantly agreed, "If

breathe, you you

us immediately."

the doctors exchanged a glance, my blood continued

eyelids grew heavier, and the urge to sleep

knew I couldn't sleep. If I did, the transfusion would stop,

lip to stay awake, the pain keeping

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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