We were rescued.

The driver who picked me up to visit Jefferson at the detention facility was among those who saved us. I knew he was one of Ernest's guys.

The car was a wreck; it took breaking it apart to pull Conrad and the driver out. And they even found our phones.

"Hey, this one's still on a call," he handed me the phone.

But it wasn't mine; it was Conrad's. I had used it to call Ernest earlier. Could it be he never hung up?

Taking the phone in a daze, I looked down just as the call ended-67 minutes and 12 seconds.

Ernest had been on the line the whole time. Did he hear everything Conrad and I said?

Not that Conrad and I said much of anything worth eavesdropping on.

Before I could ponder any further, I was whisked away in an ambulance to the hospital for a barrage of tests.

I got off with minor scrapes, but Conrad and the driver were in bad shape-Conrad with hemorrhagic shock, the driver concussed and unconscious.

Out of the three of us, I was the least injured.


or next of kin for

one from the Wagner family around. I had

type. Our hospital doesn't have any in stock, which puts the patient in critical condition. If we can't transfuse him soon, might... Please, prepare yourself

the doctor's

Does anyone else in your family have this blood type?"

swallowed hard,

us you'll be careful. Don't get hurt, don't

type, like Conrad's, was RhD negative-rarer than the so-called 'panda blood with fewer than 50

finding a match would

my parents' advice to heart, despite knowing

his blood type was

"We've conducted blood tests.

how could

perhaps under similar

all odds, in a world so vast, Conrad and I shared this incredibly rare blood

condition due

loss. If you know

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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