Punished by his love

Chapter 751 – 752

Read Chapter 751 – 752 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 751

“In this case, you can choose a good cemetery for Suzi’s father as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Fourth Master.”

After closing the thread, Arron sat alone on the top wicker chair with his eyes closed and rested.

The matter of Suzi’s hometown has been settled, and now all that is left is to take down the island.

Mother Shanna was originally a rich family on that island, but because of a change, her mother’s family became victims. Even if her mother’s family ran away their wealth and fled to the mainland, the ruler on that island actually chased her mother. A family chased to the mainland. Fortunately, his mother was saved by Elder Shu and saved her life.

The mother’s family, parents, sister-in-law, sister, and their children were all brutally murdered. As a result, the mother stayed in this world alone. When she was sad and sorrowful, she was used by the aunt and became the outer room of his father Fu Zhengxiong, and then gave birth to Arron.

If you ask about the size of the family, the mother’s home on the island is not much smaller than the Fu family.

But because of the escape, not only did my mother not wear a wedding dress in her entire life, she also never entered the door of Fu’s house.

I want to come to this because of the killing of the mother’s family on the island.

Mother Shanna actually had a wish before she died, but she didn’t tell anyone, not even her son. However, Arron heard it when she was in a coma while she was dying, and her mother repeatedly said nonsense. I said one sentence: “Unreconciled, unreconciled, unreconciled, I have never been able to go back to my hometown to take a look at my hometown even to death.”

Going back to my hometown to take a look, it was a wish my mother had always had, and Arron knew it at a very young age.

So during the years when he was in exile abroad, he had already begun preparations to break the island. It’s just that six years were delayed because of searching for Suzi’s mother and daughter.

Now that Suzi and the child have returned to them, and the things in Suzi’s hometown have been handled satisfactorily, it is time for Arron to take down the island.

Arron closed his eyes and thought about a lot of plans, all related to the takeover of the island. He didn’t go downstairs until it was time to eat, and when he came to the restaurant, he saw that Suzi and the child were already awake. The mother and daughter wore the same polka-dot mother and daughter home furnishings, tied the same ball heads, and the same polka-dot butterfly hairpins were stuck on their heads.

At first glance. Suzi is not like Shen’s only mother, but very much like Shen’s only big sister. At first glance, Suzi and Lilly are very similar to Arron’s two daughters.

Seeing this warm and sweet scene, Arron was taken aback.

family of three can live a small life smoothly, but her mother didn’t get it until she died, even if Arron was cruel and cold-hearted, so that

beaming, very playful mother and daughter in front of him are his home and all of

Suzi rolled his eyes and looked at his

has always been deserted, and occasionally speaking to him so

in my heart, it was warmed

down to

her daughter was asleep, he sent a few important emails in the study, and then he went to the bathroom

a nap for more than two hours when they returned home in the afternoon, and he hasn’t

originally tired man saw the woman on the bed, he instantly

dress very economically and

nightdress is so thin that all parts are looming, and it is even more graceful under the orange

head on her elbow, and looked at the man with an extremely sweet expression

Chapter 752

Man: “…”

see the woman’s charming and watery eyes, and


it comes to hooking people. A woman who has always been deserted will not have

for everything he did for

brewed for a long time while he was

she had seen in her mind.

this one among

Suzi blushed when she first put it

never worn such s3xy

things he gave her, whether it was jewelry,

little hard, but it is very comfortable and

translucent material that is as thin as a cicada’s wings, her skin is reflected with

wonder fashion inventors

full of interest, lying halfway on his big

looked at her man Arron in such an extremely

a goshawk and

the trend

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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