Punished by his love

Chapter 767 – 768

Read Chapter 767 – 768 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 767

When Dalia smiled, her eyebrows were crooked, she was very beautiful, she was also beautiful, she was the kind of beauty that was supported by delicate flowers, she was very good, and she was exquisite in dress, and she did not lose. To Suzi, Suzi can tell at a glance that Dalia belongs to the kind of woman who is well cared for by men, but who is not spoiled and proud.

She is very good, very sensible, not squeamish, but gentle and very angry.

But Suzi is different. Suzi has edges and corners, even when he is silent, he brings a sense of rigidity and comfort. But now, her Shu Leng dissipated a lot, and was replaced by a kind of work independence. Such Suzi made Dalia very envious.

Dalia couldn’t help being attracted by Suzi.

Suzi also has a good impression of Dalia.

Perhaps it was because Kraig treated Suzi very kindly from the beginning.

When Suzi was not working, Kraig encouraged Suzi and asked him to find a job.

Looking back now, Suzi is grateful to Kraig.

As a result, she also had a good impression of the women next to Kraig.

The two hit it off and quickly added WeChat.

“I will go shopping together in the future.” Dalia said.

“Yeah.” Suzi readily agreed.

“In the future, I want to learn from you.” Dalia said again.

“Huh?” Kraig, who was sitting next to him, couldn’t help but look at Dalia more: “You are a military wife, and you have never studied architectural design. What can you learn from Suzi?”

Dalia’s face suddenly blushed: “This is our women’s business, I won’t tell you!”

Kraig: “…”

After a while, he turned his head and asked Arron: “Old Fu! She is your daughter-in-law. Tell me what can your daughter-in-law teach her?” Arron: “…”

he also

found Suzi, he was a man who

is curious to know what his daughter-in-law

Arron looked at Suzi.

Suzi looked dumbfounded.

honest, she didn’t know what Dalia

grinned against Suzi’s

Suzi suddenly smiled: “Puff…”

smiling men were

the other two women, so she

suddenly burst

and I look at you. Then they tacitly

wait until they get home to ask this

of men is no less than that

business talks, they went back to their homes. Arron and Suzi’s only family of three also took the car home. When they got to the house, they were the only ones to sleep. One of the first things Arron did was to hold his wife in the house. On the

blushed suddenly, and then fell in his ear:

Chapter 768

listened attentively, but didn’t hear what

he looked up, Suzi’s face was as red

tell me,

and mischievous: “Punish, punish, anyway, your punishment for me is a kind of enjoyment for me. I like you to

again: “That’s because I didn’t want to really punish you. If you really punish you, you won’t be able to get out of bed for a week. At that

man’s lips: “I said, can I say

in his spare

asked me, I…how did I control you. Is it physical, I have any tricks to make you bend your ears to me

Arron: “…”

She controls him!

She still controls him?

as she saw her blushing face, the man immediately circled her in his arms: “I will teach you today,

I didn’t punish me…” Suzi was stuck in his

night, Suzi is doomed to endure a

Endure a sweet punishment.

was not as unable

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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