Punished by his love

Chapter 771 – 772

Read Chapter 771 – 772 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 771

For so many years, Darius has always been wishful thinking that Suzi is the granddaughter of the Shu family, but Mr. Shu has persecuted Suzi in many ways.

Not to mention Suzi, even if it is replaced by anyone, it will be very resistant and disgusting.

What’s more, Suzi was not a clinging person.

Darius sincerely apologized to Suzi: “I’m sorry…”

Suzi is very generous: “It’s okay, it’s not your fault, I know you are kind. Leave me alone, how are you and Galia?”

Speaking of Galia, Darius has a smile on his face: “The little girl is very interesting. She has a lively and lovely personality.”

“Then treat her well, her cousin is Arron’s chief bodyguard and driver. If you dare to treat Galia badly, Galia’s cousin can take you away!”

Darius smiled: “I know, I must not defy you, I must treat Galia as a little princess.”

Suzi: “It’s almost the same!”

After a pause, she looked at Joan again: “Young Master Ling, go back, thank you for worrying about my affairs. My husband can handle this matter. You don’t need to intervene in this matter. This will affect your life very much. I wish you a good girlfriend in the future and live a good life.”

Joan said lonely, “You are very happy now.”

“Of course.” Suzi admitted frankly.

“Your mother…” Joan said halfway.

Recently, he and Darius were very close, and Darius and Galia were in love again, so that Joan knew about Suzi’s mother indirectly.

Speaking of her mother, Suzi was obviously lost: “She… is unknown.”

“I heard that the Lin family once imprisoned her old man?” Joan asked sadly.

Suzi’s eyes changed immediately: “Their whole family is abnormal!”

Joan glanced at Suzi with a firm gaze: “Don’t worry, their family will definitely get retribution! Go to work quickly.”

Joan’s words, and wanted to ask him something. Joan had already said, “Lao Shu, since I saw Suzi here, I won’t go with you. There’s still a lot

Darius: “Okay.”

Suzi: “…”

up Suzi.”

Suzi went back to her office area a little unconscious. She couldn’t concentrate on work

and calling Joan: “Joan, I really don’t need to worry about my affairs with the Lin family. You must not go to Jiaxing

Joan asked gently on

“Of course!” Suzi said.

thank you

“Don’t go! You hear?”

have a work fee to calculate, I won’t tell


up. On the way back, she was still a

shouted: “Mom, there is

Chapter 772

suddenly, then looked back at the only one:

the window.” Lilly pointed out

only direction: “Where, Mom

poor eyesight. You have to cross the road. Behind the tree, you see, there are

fear in that look,

of her daughter, Suzi really


saw a pair of black eyes, those eyes were behind a tree,

out of the car and ran to the side of the road with Lilly: “Lilly, hurry up and take a look

a result, when she came

long gone

lost and stood


into tears suddenly, she knelt down and hugged Lilly: “Well, mom

mother’s forehead: “Mom, don’t


Not sad!

daughter, she has

got off work when he got home, he saw that Li’s wife was about to

embark on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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