Punished by his love

Chapter 839 – 840

Read Chapter 839 – 840 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 839

“Yeah.” Walton accompany her smiling face and leaned closer to Pan Haolong: “I will tell you, son, my son, I specialize in spraying in that kind of place, so… “

“So, it’s a mixture of sorrow and perfume.”

“Does it smell good?” Walton asked.

Pan Haoyang squatted down and asked Suzi, who was lying on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face that was beaten by Walton and couldn’t get up: “Do you think her smells good?”

Walton suddenly laughed and said in a narcissistic tone: “Oh, my son, what do you ask her for, an ugly monster, you see her face is ugly, her eyes can’t be opened, I know she belongs to you Guest, don’t worry, you all know that she is your guest. No man here would dare to kill her, but these men are okay. They can’t be with their wives all the year round. Anyway, this woman is so ugly. Let these men get rid of their gluttony?

I assure you that I will not kill her.

Let me tell you, this woman is very tough, she didn’t die when she came out of prison.

After being chased by Lanita for so many years, he didn’t die.

The one who ran around with a child did not die. A while ago, she was calculated by Siu, the eldest lady of the Jun family, to be like that, but she did not die.

Don’t worry, even if a hundred men have played with her, she will still not die.

In the end, she will be your guest and will be taken to Gasing Island by you obediently. “

Walton thought she was the most understanding woman.

She thought that Suzi was beaten like this by her, and her face was almost broken. This ugly woman, except for this group of migrant workers, who doesn’t hate Suzi? It is estimated that even if Arron is here, she is not willing to look at Suzi more?


It’s too cool.

“You talk a lot!” Pan Haoyang glanced at Walton: “You also have a bad breath, a bad smell, don’t you know it yourself?”

Walton: “…”

She was embarrassed and unable to deal with herself.

The man didn’t look at her, Pan Haoyang only looked at Suzi on the ground, and continued to ask: “Do you think her smells good?”

his eyes and his cheeks were swollen and painful, he could still maintain a calm heart. She sneered: “As a son, you are also one of the best

“Well, that’s right!”

handed over his name

was startled:

sneered and stopped

answered me yet?” Pan

the right you hold now. As for prying Open my mouth, it depends on your ability. Pan Haoyang, let alone those people, you came

Pan Haoyang: “…”

beat me to death, what kind of torture you choose. The other way, as long as you get close to me, come one

Haoyang blurted out:

the compliment. I’m beautiful and

ugly…” Before Walton had finished speaking, she

here! If you don’t get out within a minute, I will let a hundred men strip you naked, so that you won’t even have blood left

and ran out of the warehouse. Walton, who had miscalculated this time, was

hugged Suzi in his

my woman, no one dares to bully you.” Pan Haoyang said

Chapter 840

“Let go of me!

beautiful face, if it weren’t for seeing his Adam’s apple

at it

to say: “If you follow

Suzi: “…”

than you. Secondly, I haven’t taught my girlfriend yet, but you are different. Not only have you been married, but

Suzi: “You…”

still such a settlement in

my old lady, am I willing to talk

Am I willing!

really wanted to kick at the lifeblood

strength to be beaten by Walton, and she could

the fourth brother of the island owner of

more coquettishly: “Suzi, if you struggle like this,

Suzi: “…”

mind, follow him first to see where he is

of indecent, then she pretended to obey and hit

was honest, Pan Haoyang picked Suzi in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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