Punished by his love

Chapter 895 – 896

Read Chapter 895 – 896 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 895

However, I was also a little bit reluctant to Lenny.

Rayna looked at the three beauties in front of him with embarrassment.

At exactly this time, Arron’s call came in, and Suzi immediately connected: “Arron?”

“Come back, and bring my sister-in-law back home. Kraig is here.” Arron said.

“Oh, well, I will go back now.” Suzi said.

After closing the line, she looked at Rayna and said in an obedient tone: “Rayna, you are not married yet, just follow Kraig and see what you will do if you get married in the future.”

“Oh, Suzi.” Rayna blushed suddenly.

“Okay, okay, I’m joking with you, go back quickly.”

“Yeah!” Rayna blushed and went to call the taxi.

Suzi looked at Galia again, and Galia immediately ran and said, “No, Sister Suzi, don’t you, I won’t go to your house, if my cousin finds out that I will go to your house, my cousin dare to beat me. .”

After saying a word, Galia had already taken a taxi and ran away.

“You die girl, just run away after taking advantage…” Suzi laughed and cursed behind him.

Reluctantly, she could only take the only one and Dalia home.

As soon as he walked in, Dalia felt the extremely strong family atmosphere.

The large flat-floor living room is full of children’s playfulness.

“Aunt Shanshan, do you like my house?” Lilly held Dalia’s hand and asked this and that. At this moment, Lilly and Dalia are better than his mother.

Suzi followed behind, carrying large and small bags.

Kraig sitting in the living room, she

I think.” Kraig was

back at Kraig: “Kraig, is this…

you can cook this

he mentioned the

her heart

from not giving her status and not letting her have children for her, Kraig treated her

cooking today.” Dalia readily agreed, and then asked: “What do you guys want

to eat steamed shrimp.” Suzi

bit oily in the Food City, and

some fire dragon fire salad.”

men, you look at me and I look at you, and

wife. She tightened the kitchen with a smile. She didn’t forget to turn around and say to them: “You all sit


Suzi really can’t.

to her: “Suzi, pack up tonight, and tomorrow we will

Chapter 896

immediately taken aback: “Why is it

Arron had been conspiring in the company for a

slightly worried: “Are you all

Arron preparing to

smiled and asked, “What do

“Don’t you need force? Every

laughed: “I went to Gasing Island. One was not to burn, kill and loot, but not to seize someone’s property, and third, not to take it forcibly, so there

he heard Arron say

thought that Arron was going to capture the entire Gasing

monarch of Gasing Island is the Pan family. As early as fifty years ago, the Pan family was only the second family on Gasing Island. At that time, Gasing Island was not developed. So there is such a good prospect for later development because the Fu family in Nancheng went there to invest and then took a lot of advanced technology to where it was, which allowed the Jiaxing Island

heard of Gasing

is indeed a small

is not even as big as half

“Then what?” Suzi asked.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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