Punished by his love

Chapter 955 – 956

Read Chapter 955 – 956 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 955

There are defense systems, management systems, and there are even some non-governmental spontaneous organizations.

Suzi smiled and said to Arron: “Look, Arron, the Xia family has disappeared in Gasing Island for almost 50 years, but there are still people who still remember the Xia family, and they still support you so much. Happy?”

The man smiled slightly.

What is happiness?

Neither his career nor his grand vision can bring him happiness.

It is his wife and daughter who can bring him happiness.

In the presence of so many high-ranking officials who were seeing off, he had always been decisive. The dominating man suddenly hugged his woman in his arms, then gently k!ssed her on the forehead, and said gently: “Let’s go, we should Boarding.”

Suzi: “…”

Do you want this!

This man!

Sprinkle dog food more and more.

It’s really worth it to come to Jiaxing Island. It seems that the man named Pan Haoyang who ran away has taught a lot of his own men.

The man actually k!ssed her in an open place like the airport very naturally.


Suzi secretly glanced at the senior officials who came to see him off.

Oh, my brother was stunned.

The taste of being madly stuffed with dog food makes me panicked.

When everyone hadn’t recovered, Arron held Lilly in one hand, and the other arm wrapped Suzi strong and powerfully and boarded the plane.

The cabin is not small.

However, there are not many people on the plane.

mercenaries Christopher likes, and

Pan Mingsai, and



sigh of

a smile on her face, and went back to sit in the

plane took off

was really taking care of Joan whose

girl looks

plane, Joan was already familiar with

said: “No thanks, this is what I should do. I will be admitted to the

at Pan Mingsai:

water. When she heard Joan say this, she sprayed all the water

this little girl

there were a few small freckles on both sides of the nose. She looked very cute, much more cute

because Joan has experienced too many beautiful women in the

who didn’t make

You are the most beautiful

Chapter 956

Pan Mingsai: “…”

the first time in her life, someone said that she was beautiful, and the dark

complimenting me, you are also a handsome guy, you must be very handsome the moment you save

look like a teenager than me. I can call you uncle, otherwise I will Chasing

Joan: “…”

open. He wants to live again, and he wants to return to Nancheng to help his parents take care of

getting married, but he had never thought about finding a child who

you call me uncle, you call my father is not too old in terms of age, you chase me and me You will be very inferior, and your uncle will be old. When you go to college, there will be a little

Mingsai blushed

coming to Nancheng alone?” Joan

at Joan earnestly: “Why, suspect that

living expenses?”

Now he asks Pan Mingsai’s parents to spend a sum of

of, Nancheng is more developed than Gasing Island, and I will follow you. I set up a street stall in Nancheng, and go to school while setting up

Joan: “…”

in my house. I will pay for all your living expenses. I will

not so good? I can

boy!” Joan

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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