Punished by his love

Chapter 981 – 982

Read Chapter 981 – 982 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 981

“Tell you the truth, Mr. Jun, how many years have I waited for you with these weapons? I really feel distressed to buy these weapons with my personal financial resources.”

“But now, I got it without spending a penny! In order to let you jump in, I planned for six years! You really jumped into the pit. I have to say something to you, thank you, Uncle Jun! “

“You…” Jun Chengyin raised his wrist abruptly. He looked at Arron with anger, the truth punched Arron’s head open.

However, Jun Chengyin dropped his hand weakly.

Unless he lives enough.

Now, Jun Chengyin has no ability to fight Arron.

“Uncle Jun, if you don’t try to hurt my heart over and over again, how can I swallow your one-third of your weapons? It’s all you asked for.”

“You can’t beat Kraig even if you don’t lose a third of your weapons in Kyoto, let alone you lose a third of your weapons now?”

“Uncle Jun, your time is over. You can’t beat Kraig, and you can’t beat me Arron! I think Kraig’s face, spare you once!”

After some words, Jun Chengyin wanted to find a place to drill.

After Arron finished speaking, he ignored Jun Chengyin.

He only said to his wife: “Suzi, are you tired? I haven’t gotten home since I got off the plane. Let’s go.”

Suzi nodded: “Husband, let’s go home.”

The couple passed Jun Chengyin and went straight out.

The only thing left is that you become a shade, like air.

But the waiter came up with the bill, and she handed it to Jun Chengyin: “Sir, please pay the bill.”

Jun Chengyin: “Get out!”

The waiter laughed angrily and looked at Jun Chengyin: “You old man! Are you going to eat Bawang meal? We are a high-consumption place. The private room fee for this private room is more than 1,000. Do you want to go wrong?”

Jun Chengyin: “If you don’t get out, I will kill you!”

tyrannical old man in the private room.

Jun Chengyin: “…”

He was really confused.

Mr. Shu or his granddaughter who should pay for it, but at this moment, if he does not pay for it, Jun Chengyin

will become a big joke

moment, Jun

to the front desk, paid the bill

to chase

car parked outside the

car, Jun Chengyin, is the most familiar, it

is much more prestigious than when he

two people slowed down in the

it was Kraig and the woman that

car and rushed to Suzi. He looked

touch for the past half a month.

you the night you first arrived at Gasing Island,

you okay on the island, the only one,

Dalia’s voice fell, he was hit by someone behind him. When she turned her head, she suddenly

Chapter 982

front of Dalia’s eyes was a burly beast doll that was

What is this!


animal doll, looked at Dalia with innocence and innocence: “Aunt Shanshan, you…

saw that the only

for you.” Lilly

Dalia: “…”

Shanshan out of nowhere, let’s see how Uncle Jun beats you!”

felt distressed again: “Kraig, don’t

Kraig: “…”

you like it for you?” Lilly asked, tilting

Dalia: “…”

say she

insincerely, and then summoned her courage to hand

scared of

understand the brain circuit of Xiaopenyou, why is it so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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