Punished by his love

Chapter 1011 – 1012

Read Chapter 1011 – 1012 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 1011

He was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn’t believe it and asked, “You, what did you call me just now?”

“The old immortal thing!”

“You dare to scold me?”

Suzi smiled: “You are not dead!”

“Do you know that when we went out with Arron, we thought you were sick along the way!”

“Along the way, I thought you were going to survive. Or, we wouldn’t call your grandson Darius? Oh, we were so happy along the way. You are finally going to die! You finally can’t live again. In this world.”

“You…” Mr. Shu was scolded by Suzi, and he was immediately furious.

Suzi’s scolding against Old Man Shu continued: “The dead thing that never died! You are not dead, but I am also very happy because your granddaughter is dying!”

“That’s your granddaughter! You have been looking for your daughter for a lifetime. You finally found your granddaughter. If he dies, will you tingle your heart? It’s like cutting your body. Meat?”

Elder Shu: “…”

He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down.

Efforts can keep oneself from spitting out old blood.

At this moment, Elder Shu really wanted to knock Suzi down with a single shot.

However, he knew that the granddaughter in the ward was still waiting for Suzi’s kidney to save his life. He couldn’t collapse Suzi.

He tried his best to maintain his supreme dignity.

After asking Wen Xin Shen, Elder Shu said very peacefully: “Suzi, I know, you have always wanted my approval.”

“What?” Suzi asked with a frown, digging out his own fault.

“If, what I said is if, if you are willing to do a match, if you succeed, you donate a kidney to save my granddaughter’s life, I promise you now, and from then on, I will no longer have you Prejudice.”

“I will not only get along peacefully, but I will recognize you! You will call me what Arron calls me in the future.”

“And those other wealthy families in Nancheng, I will introduce them to them one by one, and I will say, you have changed your past, and you have donated kidneys to your sister. What a great feat. “



out: “You old immortal thing! I always call you immortal, do you think I

so narcissistic, self-righteous, and

don’t need it! Not rare! Your approval, you should keep

every day for not being able to find the source of the kidney. It’s best to be half a month in advance, and it’s best


indifferently: “You are right. I am vicious. Didn’t you clearly know that I am vicious six years ago? Isn’t viciousness my nature? Is there anything good to

Elder Shu: “…”

want to be

the morning, something that she thought would be a good solution,

thought that this

mistaken about this

still extremely vicious, without sympathy at all, so she doesn’t know what Arron is


Arron is reluctant

let him, an old man who is more than a few years old, dispose of this

you sure, if you don’t donate a kidney to your sister, you don’t want to save your sister’s life?” Elder Shu asked


head to look at Arron:

Chapter 1012

Arron and

beginning to end, Arron remained

his face was

past, when he suspected that Suzi was the biological daughter of the missing daughter of Jarod and Elder Shu, but now, Arron can be very sure that Suzi is

It must be.

of this, there is something in Arron’s heart that has never

before, now, he is the Wannian Glacier plus

Wannian Ice Sword.

moment, Arron wished that Jarod could not even leave him with a bit of blood and bone sc*m with a

nothing showed on Arron’s

is the

for this is entirely because of

promised Old Man Shu that he

has to do

this is fine, because Suzi is unwilling to admit Mr. Shu, let alone

Lanita is his granddaughter, until one day, when the three of the Lin family

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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