Chapter 189 Significant Secret

The study room.

Gabriel looked at the gloomy and indifferent young man, his gaze sweeping over his handsome and firm brows and eyes.

Even though Allison constantly compared Sterling unfavorably to Corbin, Gabriel knew that Sterling was not only better looking, but also far more outstanding in other aspects than his peers!

Just –

Gabriel looked into Sterling’s eyes, a flicker of complexity passing. through.

Such a promising seedling, what a pity!

“Talk about what?” Seeing Gabriel staring at him incessantly, Sterling’s eyes darkened slightly as he furrowed his brows.

Gabriel patted Sterling’s lean yet sturdy broad shoulders, signaling him to sit down for a chat.

Sterling stood still, his hands tucked in his pockets.

Gabriel didn’t force him, “Your mom really went too far this time, but she’s just a person with a sharp tongue and a soft heart, don’t stoop to her level!”

Sharp tongue but a soft heart?

A faint hint of mockery swept across Sterling’s cold lips.

She had never shown him any mercy!


Gabriel felt slightly embarrassed.

heard Sterling speak impatiently. “You

your biological child?

on earth is your mind

didn’t say anything

there was an intangible sense

not treat you like that again! Stay at home with peace of mind, don’t go out to live, home

his deep,

have a hidden meaning in his

but unsafe when going out?

parted slightly, his voice deep and brooking no argument,

home, Corbin went straight to

shouted angrily, “Was it you who stirred up the school forum,

did you think you had won me over? No matter how impressive you are, you still couldn’t win our


apologize to me,

wooden floor, there was a black suitcase, inside



response, Corbin frowned, ready to leave, when

bedside table, Corbin

message from Aimee: [I’ll be back in the country next week, remember to come see

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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