Chapter 190 Innocence, Beauty, and Passion!

Sterling came down from upstairs with his suitcase.

Corbin stood at the staircase, looking at Sterling with slightly raised eyebrows.

“Move out? If you apologize to me voluntarily, I will go to mom and put in a good word for you, allowing you to stay at home…”

Sterling didn’t even bat an eyelid, he walked straight past Corbin.

The thoroughly ignored Corbin,

Watching Sterling’s thin and indifferent silhouette, Corbin took a few steps forward, “If you have the guts, don’t come back once you leave!”

Sterling seemed to pause for a moment, but quickly, he left as swiftly. as a shooting star.

As if, for this home, there was not the slightest reluctance or nostalgia!

Corbin watched Sterling’s retreating figure, feeling an indescribable embarrassment and anger, as well as an envy and jealousy he was unwilling to admit.

As a senior high school student as well, Sterling was actually able to leave home so freely and confidently!

He was aloof and irritable, acting recklessly, and keeping strangers at bay. There was always an indelible chill and ruthlessness in his eyes. and brows.

unique glow, wherever he went, he


attract attention immediately.

an extreme, yet sharp individual!

on hard times after leaving, and then come back like a whipped

he went to school, Corbin would pay special attention to Sterling’s

was not as sloppy and lazy as before. He would arrive at school on time every day like everyone else in Class 10, then they would all go to

After finishing their meals, they would return to the classroom to

as approachable and easy to talk to as

and if you didn’t understand, he would give a cold glance,

cohesive class in the past, gradually, was as if it had

relationship between Sterling and Audrey was not as romantic as he had imagined. They had never dated alone, nor had they made any ambiguous moves beyond friendship!

group of classmates, striving, advancing, working hard, and



a common

beautiful, and passionate!

increasingly panicked and narrow–minded!

Audrey’s coldness and indifference, nor could he stand Sterling’s excellence

with Audrey always hanging around him, and other classmates looking up to and admiring him. But in just a few short

go home, but went to a bar

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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