Chapter 36 I Don‘t Need Your Charity 

Joshua‘s sudden anger caused everyone around to quict down. 

Bryant didn‘t expect Joshua to have such a shocking reaction. 

In the past, when Anaya chased after Joshua, Joshua coldly treated Anaya with disgust. 

People who had a good relationship with Joshua thought Joshua hated Anaya. 

Moreover, after they divorced, Joshua deliberately targeted the Dutt fainily. 

Bryant had thought that Joshua was really taking vengeance on Anaya. 

“You intended to suppress the Dutt family. I was helping you.” 

“Who asked you to meddle?” Joshua asked with a gloomy expression, “Where is she now?” 

Bryant had never been treated like this. 

However, they had known each other for more than ten years, so he was not angry at Joshua. He said, “In her apartment.” 

Joshua picked up his suit and left in a hurry without a word. 

Robin also stood up and chased after Joshua. 

Before leaving, he warned Bryant, “Bryant, Joshua‘s feelings for Anaya are not just as he acted. You need to get your sense of proportion.” 

Hearst took care of Anaya‘s wound and placed the first aid kit back where it was. 

The doorbell rang. Anaya thought that the police had come up, so she quickly opened the door. 

The people who had fallen outside the door had been moved away, leaving only two people standing at the door. 

After seeing who it was, Anaya prepared to close the door. 

Joshua predicted her reaction and entered the room first. 

Robin was about to enter the room as well, but Joshua closed the door immediately, 

Anaya was only wearing a nightgown with straps. 

He did not want the others to see Anaya like this, 

Robin was about to greet Anaya when Joshua shut him outside the door. 

Robin specially accompanied Joshua over, but Joshua actually locked him outside the door! 

worth it for him to accompany Joshua.

Joshua lowered his head and noticed

“Are you injured?” 

a step back and asked, “Mr. Maltz, is there something important that you want to talk

hand froze in the

heard that you had an accident.”

where you heard this news from?”

that I was the one who ask people

Anaya said coldly.

Joshua’s face darkened. 

Anaya misunderstood him. 

not have been worried about


he saw a man walk out of

Anaya, who was only wearing a nightgown with straps. His eyes darkened. He took

kept a distance from him. She asked in a bad tone, “Do you

on your clothes properly?” Joshua

own home. Even if I run naked, it is my freedom.”

can wear whatever you like, but there is still an outsider!”

said, “What? Are you afraid of that? Why didn‘t I know that you were such a conservative

she felt a warm coat

appeared behind her

“It‘s cold

his words, Anaya indeed felt a little cold.

tore off the coat and threw it on

he resisted his impulse.

didn‘t want Anaya to think that he still wanted to pester her after they were

looked at Joshua again and asked, “How did you know I had an accident?”

who injured you was

frowned, “How could

happened at Mia‘s birthday

take revenge

and merciless and would seek revenge for the smallest grievance. Anaya used to think that

guilt. “He schemed against you. I

did not want others to target

a lesson but had no intention of

“I will re–invest in the projects of the Dutt family as compensation for this incident. Bryant acted on the impulse to hurt

me,” said Anaya with a determined look

a small injury on your

felt that Anaya

Do you want me to suc

Lexie before? She let you go. So why

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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