Chapter 196 Emotional Blackmail

“You… You…”

Luna was livid, nearly losing her mind upon hearing their words.


She had a nightmare, and the scenes within it were terrifyingly real, leaving her shaken. Instead of comforting her or trying to calm her down, they ended up blaming her.

Are they really my sons?

Before the car accident, she held her sons and her daughter, Melanie, in high esteem. They were her pride and joy.

Moreover, they held her in high regard, seemingly having her best interest in mind.

Compared to them, Aurelia was nothing.

However, in my dreams…

Scenes from the dream flashed through her mind uncontrollably, one after another.

Terrified, she reflected on her actions and felt a sense of regret.

What she was going through now was exactly what Aurelia had experienced in her dreams, and yet it was far from what Aurelia had endured.

If what occurred in the dream is true, am I still worthy of being called a mother?

“You are unworthy to be my sons. I gave birth to you in vain and raised you for nothing!” Luna accused them in anger.

Aaron didn’t appreciate such comments. “Mom, ever since your car accident, we’ve dropped everything to take care of you and be by your side. Isn’t that enough? We understand you’re struggling with the reality of your amputation, but what’s done is done. Can you please try to stay calm? Stop doing things that hurt both us and yourself, okay?”

Benjamin and Spencer both wore gloomy expressions, not wanting to utter a single word.

Luna looked at Aaron, who had scolded her. Her eyes were wide with disbelief. Then, she began. to shed tears of regret.

The next day, Aurelia went to work, carrying a large bag.

The large bag was filled to the brim with local specialties she had brought over to share with colleagues.

She could have taken a few more days off, but hearing from her colleagues about the mounting work, she, a diligent worker, decided to return to the office. After all, she had a mortgage to pay off for the house she bought.


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a significant amount of renovation expenses she had


In the picture, she stood in front of a villa, grinning

and I’m brimming with energy! Wish

the red light, Aurelia responded: Babe, all the best! If anything

arrived at Gardner

her bag and headed off to clock in for work.

was about to do so at the entrance, a

work today. The person who caused you trouble before has returned, this time with a TV crew in tow. They’re waiting here

people standing by the entrance. Some were holding microphones, others were shouldering

colleague quickly reassured her, “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of everything. Old Mr. Gardner has already given

as Aurelia was preparing to leave, a phone call came


rush off to work just yet. Stay at home, alright?” Xavier instructed in


a distance from here. It’s impossible for Xavier to know that Aaron had brought a crew from the TV

but Benjamin

of them have gone to see Xavier?

handle them.” Xavier didn’t say much, afraid that Aurelia

listening to Xavier’s voice on the phone, and it seemed as though he was on the subway.

be at work. His dormitory was close to the office, just a short fifteen–minute walk away, so there was no need for him


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at work. I saw Aaron and his TV Station crew looking for me. The people at my company will handle it. Did

the phone before he continued, “Yes, they brought someone to look for Mom. She didn’t open the door, and now they’re standing guard at the entrance. I’ll

swayed by the TV Station. In time, they would launch personal attacks on Aurelia, forcing her to comply with their

from their own responsibilities, they continuously scheme and plot

work. You’re

the camera. I’m on my way now. Don’t worry, I can handle them.” Aurelia made a decisive decision.

didn’t give Xavier another chance to persuade her.

she couldn’t avoid and had to face it

involve Xavier and the others in it, for they would be treated in a hostile manner on the

for her, she didn’t

in her car. The journey was almost uninterrupted, with barely any red. lights.

a few neighbors had already gathered

who generally had ample time on their hands. While other places might

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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