Chapter 197 She Kept Him At A Distance

The matters they accepted for mediation in their program were never simple.

It was always so full of twists and turns.

Without the drama, the TV Station wouldn’t be involved.

“The person you’ve been looking for has arrived!” a neighbor reminded them.

They instantly turned their gazes towards the staircase and, sure enough, they saw Aurelia.

The host promptly stepped forward, addressing Aurelia with a candid question, “Are you Aurelia?”


“Do you guys even understand the concept of portrait rights? You barged into my home without my consent and started filming me. It seems you’re just asking for legal action to be taken against you, aren’t you?” Aurelia asked, maintaining a composed demeanor.

Then, she turned her gaze to the guilty–looking Melanie and the sullen–faced Benjamin. “Did you two really think that by bringing a TV crew over, you could gain the upper hand by emotionally blackmailing me? I used to think you were decent people, but now, you’re worse than animals.”

The door that had remained tightly shut until now was finally opened.

When Phyllis was about to make her appearance, Aurelia quickly said to her, “Mom, close the door. These people aren’t worth your time. I have called the police, and my lawyer will be here shortly.”

After seeing Phyllis close the door, Aurelia turned her attention back to the host standing before her. “You claim to be a program that solves problems for the masses, yet you didn’t even clarify the most fundamental issue before showing up at my doorstep. Who gave you the right to do this?”

The host had never encountered a party at fault that was so defiant before.

The director of their show was acquainted with Benjamin, and the renowned celebrity, Spencer, was also affiliated with them. Given such a prestigious family, it was unlikely they would approach. the TV crew if there were any skeletons in the closet.

However, Aurelia stood before him in an unyielding manner.

She was so firm that they felt as if they had messed with someone they shouldn’t have.

All this while, no one had ever mentioned bringing in a lawyer or making a police report.

made a call to Gordon, asking him to recommend a lawyer before

people was


Kept Him At

to resort to certain

in lawyers is not the way to solve problems, Ms. Shaw. We’re here to help you resolve your issues with them. Clearing up misunderstandings can benefit both parties. After all, you’re all

host reacted swiftly.

reason for seeking you out is simple. There’s no need for such

was somewhat hesitant to speak, for Aurelia had dirt

did. To avoid raising any suspicion, she had

reason?” Aurelia broke into a

a message popped up on her phone.

that it was a message from Matthew: Do you want me to step in?



Thanks, but it’s not necessary at the moment. Mr. Zeller has already recommended a lawyer to me. I’ve briefed the lawyer about the situation, while the police should be

Group, Matthew read Aurelia’s reply, his

his cell

would take care of

call came in from Jeremy.

team to come to Gardner Group Building, intending to interview my father’s employees. They wanted to use Gardner Group to elevate their show. The Leedons must be crazy, and the director of

Leedon family’s recent actions had

by the sense of distance conveyed in

chill run down his spine. “When dealing with these


Him At A Distance


Gardner family should never have been messed with. If they happen to lose a limb or get. hounded by loan sharks, it will be simply due to bad luck.”

have you investigated the director of this

and found some dirt.” Jeremy knew the kind of person Matthew was–decisive and ruthless, never one


mother in the hospital and then join us in taking care of her. This is a crucial time for her recovery, and she needs her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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