Chapter 360


‘No! What am I supposed to do if you leave!

Sophie wanted to speak, but the bodyguard ran faster than a rabbit.

She stood still staring at Gordon gasping in his wheelchair She braved herself to approach and asked Incoherently, “What should I do now? Or, what do you need right now?

“Just stand there.”

“Just that?”

“Just standing there is fine.”

Gordon’s voice was weak. Sophie knew that standing without causing trouble was the best option.

Gordon had helped her so many times, and seeing him in such pain now while doing nothing seemed a bit heartless.

Sophie thought of how caregivers in hospitals tend to patients and immediately said, “Wait here”

“Ms. Sophie!”

tried to stop Sophie, but she was

“Cough, cough*

all the windows for ventilation, and then found a warm towel in the bathroom.

*Ms. Sophie…”

didn’t give him the chance. Then, she started wiping Gordon’s hands with the warm towel,

deeply!” Sophie helped Gordon with his breathing, saying, “At least we need to stabilize

that Gordon’s condition wasn’t severe at

Sophie, you


the medicine, and Gordon couldn’t stop

had just run out when

Mr. Gordon’s medicine

has many medicines, Ms. Sophie. Which one do

“For asthma!”


maid said, “I’m not sure about that, but all of Mr. Gordon’s medicines are

“Where is his bedroom?”

corridor, the one on

time, Sophie followed the direction the maid pointed and ran to

be so far from where she stayed. After running there, she pushed the door open and immediately spotted the medicine cabinet under the

the cabinet, and carefully identified each

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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