Chapter 361

Gordon gave his bodyguard a look, and the bodyguard immediately approached Sophie, saying, “Ms. Sophle, please wait outside.”


very serious?”

Sophie glanced at Gordon with concem, and after stepping outside, she asked, “Is Mc Gordon’s asthma very


“Yes, wasn’t that asthma?”

“Mr. Gordon often coughs up blood and occasionally has difficulty breathing, but he’s never had asthma.”

“He doesn’t have asthma?”

Sophie was taken aback, suddenly remembering how Gordon had seemed hesitant to speak while she was bustling around the room earlier.

Coming back to her senses, Sophie asked, “Then, what happens if someone without asthma takes asthma medication?”


mact, Sophie’s gaze had

doctor’s questions, patiently answering each

back in and asked, “Mr. Gordon, if you don’t have

“Who told you that?”

Gordon’s question, Sophie remained silent, but Gordon’s

as a child, but it’s been gone for

medication without having the condition. What did the

the bodyguard was startled, “Sir, how could you

I take so many medications; one more or one less

Sophie’s guilt intensified. She really should have just stood

I’ll go and call the doctor

must be tired. Let her rest. We should

“Yes, sir.”

Gordon’s wheelchair toward the

her guilt deepening. With her meddling, there was no telling how

fell, the maid delivered dinner to Sophie’s room on time. The table

asked, “Where

should be busy at this hour. Do you need him for

is still working at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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