Sophie strode forward, flanked by two bodyguards who instinctively stepped back as she approached. "How could you possibly know?!"

One of the bodyguards reached for his taser, but Sophie casually touched the crest pinned to their chests and said, "Even the Pollard family crest is fake. You guys really need to work on your details."

The bodyguard's face twisted in anger, but Sophie turned her back to him, raising her voice, "I'm here now, Mr. Ricardo. How about you show yourself so we can have a chat? And bring Ms. Sandy out while you're at it."

A shadowy figure soon emerged from the depths of the abandoned factory.

In just two weeks, Ricardo had become a shell of his former self, his face covered in stubble, his hair a tangled mess, and his shirt stained and dirty.

Sophie clicked her tongue in mock disapproval, "Mr. Ricardo, looks like you're not doing too well. Has S Corporation not been generous enough?"

mention of S Corporation only stoked Ricardo's anger. If it hadn't been for Sophie's scheming, he

narrowed dangerously. "How did

my people tail you in Devonport. When Adler said they lost you, I figured you'd skip town. You want money,

tasers. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the

shock, Sophie effortlessly flipped one of them to the ground. She swiftly grabbed his wrist, snatched the taser, and activated it, delivering a jolt to his neck. The other guard tried to

up the taser's power and pressed it to the

You should've stunned me in the car instead of letting me memorize the route and come up with a plan." Ricardo's face darkened even

Oh, I forgot to mention my husband is quite the fighter. He insists

clenched his teeth, his face

anger, Sophie continued, "Well, Mr. Ricardo... since you're broke now, managing to hire even these amateurs

to a corner of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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