Angelo knew James had gone after Sophie, but as long as James was okay, that was enough for him.

"Hurry up and get cleaned up," Angelo said. "Father doesn't know you got into trouble yet, and if he finds out, it's gonna be a mess."

"It should be a mess! Ricardo teamed up with Vanessa to tie me up. What a jerk!"


Angelo was taken aback. He hadn't expected Ricardo to conspire with Vanessa to kidnap his sister.

"Damn it!" Fuming, Angelo rolled up his sleeves and turned to leave the Pollard family mansion.

Sandy grabbed her reckless brother. "Bro! Where are you off to?"

"Where am I going? I'm gonna make those two pay! They dared to mess with my sister!"

"Bro! Hey!"

Before Sandy could stop him, James walked in, still wearing his mask.

she saw James, Sandy frowned. "You actually

quickly intervened. "Alright, Sandy, head upstairs. I've got things to handle down

"You better teach him a lesson! He didn't care if I lived or died! He fired

I get it. I'll definitely teach him

upstairs, Angelo felt more exhausted than if he'd run a mile. He walked back down, wiped the sweat off his brow, and

removed his mask and dropped the sack in

"You... you brought back a dead

"He's still alive."

chest in relief. "That's a

"But he's almost dead."


Angelo quickly shouted to the housekeeper upstairs. "Viona! Viona, call the doctor! Right

saying you wanted to beat him to death? Well, here he is, defenseless.


swallowed hard. Taking advantage of someone's weakness didn't

added, "Just a reminder, once he wakes up, you won't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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