If Sophie could just hold on for another week or two, the artists at Reeves International might crumble from sheer exhaustion. When that happened, she could swoop in and snag all their talent. "Isn't this situation pretty good as it is? I've never been one to push things to the limit, and besides, why should women make life harder for each other? If I really went that far, you'd not only have to deal with losing the bet but also face massive fines from advertisers for breaching contracts. That kind of move could ruin someone."

Sophie's casual tone made Elodie look at her in surprise. People like them never showed mercy to their enemies. But Sophie? She was worried about pushing someone too far?

"Ms. Sophie, no offense, but sometimes being kind-hearted doesn't get you anywhere," Elodie said seriously. "I've seriously thought about wiping out S Corporation."

"But I believe you can't," Sophie said confidently, making Elodie frown. She was right. Elodie couldn't do it. Not because Sophie had run S Corporation so well, but because someone powerful was backing her up.

Elodie shook her head. "Ms. Sophie, you're really lucky," she said. "You've got Colby, the perfect partner. You've got an ex-husband who can't forget you and supports you quietly. You're surrounded by friends. And you've got that person always protecting you."

"My life wasn't always easy," Sophie said softly. "But... if you're brave enough to face the world, you'll find life has endless possibilities."

Just then, the conference room door swung open. James walked in, looking worn out. Sophie glanced at the time. Only five minutes had passed. Did he fly here?

two keep talking, I'll wait outside,"

"Seems like you knew I wanted to

already at Burke International's doorstep. Sophie wasn't sure if she was imagining it, but James looked thinnenthan last month. Given his time in jail and hiding from

and S Corporation," James said in


me the sheet r out of prison

first place? Just

speak, but the words wouldn't come out. Sophie pulled out the share

really wanted

the head

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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