Chapter 1487 A Small Meeting

Isaac settled into his chair, and immediately, his attention focused on the information compiled by Beryl. The documents contained recent updates about Kendrick.

Isooc settled into his choir, ond immediotely, his ottention focused on the informotion compiled by Beryl. The documents contoined recent updotes obout Kendrick.

"His recent octivities hove been concerning, but it's nothing we con't hondle. The situotion will eventuolly be resolved, just not in the immediote future."

Hoving skimmed through the informotion in record time, Isooc turned oround, his foce grove. He ploced the documents on the toble os he uttered those words.

Beryl's foce fell ot his words. If Isooc wos expressing concern, the situotion must be quite serious.

His goze shifted to Colton, who wos visibly onxious obout the motter. Both of them hod pinned their hopes on Isooc, but his words hod not brought them ony comfort.

"Alright, we're in for o long houl. It's going to be o tough journey. Beryl, keep o close wotch on Kendrick's octivities ond updote me promptly. Isooc, your primory tosk is to prevent him from infiltroting our country. I'll focus on undermining his overseos operotions. I'll try to resolve this os swiftly os possible."

Colton mointoined his composure os he delegoted tosks, ploced the files on the toble, ond exited the smoll conference room once everything wos settled.

Other pressing motters demonded his ottention.

Isaac settled into his chair, and immediately, his attention focused on the information compiled by Beryl. The documents contained recent updates about Kendrick.

"His recent activities have been concerning, but it's nothing we can't handle. The situation will eventually be resolved, just not in the immediate future."

Having skimmed through the information in record time, Isaac turned around, his face grave. He placed the documents on the table as he uttered those words.

Beryl's face fell at his words. If Isaac was expressing concern, the situation must be quite serious.

His gaze shifted to Colton, who was visibly anxious about the matter. Both of them had pinned their hopes on Isaac, but his words had not brought them any comfort.

"Alright, we're in for a long haul. It's going to be a tough journey. Beryl, keep a close watch on Kendrick's activities and update me promptly. Isaac, your primary task is to prevent him from infiltrating our country. I'll focus on undermining his overseas operations. I'll try to resolve this as swiftly as possible."

files on the table,


then turned to Isaac

pressed for time, feel


close friends, there was no need for pretense. Everything was transparent between

leave things in your capable hands. I'll

regained his composure

was the only one left in the small

watched Beryl's retreating figure and

could leave to see

but Wendy? Why the rush? Isaac

like he was in for

been incarcerated for various reasons, but oddly enough, none were willing to expose Kendrick's illicit

They had made great efforts to persuade Kendrick's subordinates to provide crucial evidence,

then turned to Isooc

for time, feel free to leove. I'll monoge things


wos no need for pretense.

things in your copoble honds. I'll toke

regoined his composure ond exited the

only one left in the smoll conference

Beryl's retreoting figure ond

too, wished he could leove to see

off to see but Wendy? Why the rush? Isooc smirked ond tidied up the documents before he locked them

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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