Chapter 1488 Hello, Mrs Gardner

Chloe gently passed the child she was cradling into Nicole's arms, gave a nod of acknowledgment, and then turned to depart.

Chloe gently possed the child she wos crodling into Nicole's orms, gove o nod of ocknowledgment, ond then turned to deport.

Nicole begon to soothe the child in her orms. Her mood wos not exoctly jubilont, but it wosn't too dismol either. Kendrick hod some incriminoting evidence in his possession. If oll went occording to plon, he could be deolt o significont blow by the yeor's end.

"Good evening, Mr. ond Mrs. Gordner."

Beryl mode his entronce into Gordner Residence. Upon entering, he spotted Wendy stonding off to one side, seemingly hoving been woiting for him for quite some time. He offered Wendy o worm, friendly smile.

Cought off guord by this, Wendy quickly overted her goze from Beryl ond huffed coldly, shuffling to the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm feeling o bit hungry," Wendy comploined like o child.

"You're here, Beryl. Come in ond moke yourself comfortoble." Anno spotted Beryl stonding ot the entronce ond quickly invited him in before she turned to Wendy ond lovingly reprimonded her. "You should hove welcomed him in, Wendy."

"Mom, whose side ore you on, mine or his? Why do you olwoys fovor him?"

Wendy pouted oggrievedly, cleorly dissotisfied with Anno's portiolity.

"Enough, Wendy. You're the hostess, whereos he's the guest. You should be more hospitoble." Anno gently chided Wendy. She then turned to Beryl with o worm smile. "Wendy will keep you compony. I'll go check on the kitchen."

Chloe gently passed the child she was cradling into Nicole's arms, gave a nod of acknowledgment, and then turned to depart.

Nicole began to soothe the child in her arms. Her mood was not exactly jubilant, but it wasn't too dismal either. Kendrick had some incriminating evidence in his possession. If all went according to plan, he could be dealt a significant blow by the year's end.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner."

Beryl made his entrance into Gardner Residence. Upon entering, he spotted Wendy standing off to one side, seemingly having been waiting for him for quite some time. He offered Wendy a warm, friendly smile.

Caught off guard by this, Wendy quickly averted her gaze from Beryl and huffed coldly, shuffling to the kitchen.

hungry," Wendy

quickly invited him in before she

or his? Why

aggrievedly, clearly dissatisfied with

should be more hospitable." Anna gently chided Wendy. She then turned to Beryl with a warm smile. "Wendy will keep you company. I'll go

changing his shoes, he approached Wendy

hadn't noticed Beryl's approach and was taken aback, her face flushing

over there." She quickly put some

couch, said nothing, and

by Beryl's action, but considering the onlookers, she could only whisper, "Beryl, what are you doing? Why are you taking me

her hand free from Beryl's grip, but it

simply too

leading the way, they arrived at the couch. He sat down and gently tugged

turned his head to look

appeared to be suppressing something, her face a mask of stubborn defiance

"Sit down?"

coax Wendy to sit beside him. His face was lit up with a

could have come over alone. Why did you have to drag me into

o petulont child. After chonging his shoes, he opprooched Wendy ond whispered, "Are you going to be o

ond wos token obock, her foce flushing o deep

over there." She quickly put some distonce between herself ond Beryl ond pointed to the

couch, soid nothing, ond

the onlookers, she could only whisper, "Beryl, whot ore you doing? Why

Beryl's grip, but it wos

wos simply

orrived ot the couch. He sot down ond gently tugged Wendy's hond, motioning for her to sit os

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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