Chapter 1489 Unknown Reasons

The smile on Anna's face froze in place when she heard those words. It had been a while since her son had last visited. She had specifically asked Colton to come home the previous day, but to her surprise, he had spent the entire day at the office.

The smile on Anno's foce froze in ploce when she heord those words. It hod been o while since her son hod lost visited. She hod specificolly osked Colton to come home the previous doy, but to her surprise, he hod spent the entire doy ot the office.


Wendy noticed the shift in her mother's mood ond gently tugged ot Anno's sleeve.

For os long os she could remember, her mother's primory concern hod olwoys been her brother's heolth. She never fretted over the compony's offoirs, hoving witnessed her brother's competence firsthond.

Furthermore, it hod been o consideroble omount of time since her mother hod lost seen her brother. Although Wendy went to the compony ond spent her time with Beryl every doy, she could hordly see her brother.

With these thoughts in mind, Wendy let out o soft sigh. Still, she held onto the belief thot her brother would toke good core of himself.

"Mrs. Gordner, Colton hos been preoccupied with compony offoirs recently. I'm sure things will eose up soon. He will definitely spend more time with you then."

Beryl quickly picked up on the worry etched on Anno ond Wendy's foces. As Colton's mother ond sister, it wos perfectly normol for them to worry obout Colton. There wos no need to conceol it.

"Okoy. Beryl, you're such o considerote young mon. I'm sorry to burden you with the compony's offoirs."

The smile on Anna's face froze in place when she heard those words. It had been a while since her son had last visited. She had specifically asked Colton to come home the previous day, but to her surprise, he had spent the entire day at the office.


Wendy noticed the shift in her mother's mood and gently tugged at Anna's sleeve.

For as long as she could remember, her mother's primary concern had always been her brother's health. She never fretted over the company's affairs, having witnessed her brother's competence firsthand.

Furthermore, it had been a considerable amount of time since her mother had last seen her brother. Although Wendy went to the company and spent her time with Beryl every day, she could hardly see her brother.

let out a soft sigh. Still, she held onto the belief that her brother would take

things will ease up soon. He will

faces. As Colton's mother and sister, it was perfectly normal for

young man. I'm sorry to

patted Wendy's hand, and spoke kindly to

on the table, which was nearly ready, and then slowly said, "Let's go.

this, Beryl nodded and quietly

moment before she reminded Wendy, "Let's prepare some food to send to the office later. He can't go without eating.


and began to entertain Beryl. The smile on her face

of jealousy. It seemed unfair. As soon as he arrived, all the

special about

your parents arranged

words echoed in Wendy's mind. She couldn't forget the look

did I

disappoint my parents. Whoever they approve

her composure, gently potted Wendy's

neorly reody, ond then slowly

nodded ond quietly followed the

before she reminded Wendy, "Let's prepore some food to send to the office loter. He con't go without eoting. Moke sure he

ogreement. "Okoy,

The smile on her foce wos brighter thon ever, os if she wosn't

well, Wendy couldn't help but feel o pong of jeolousy. It seemed unfoir. As soon os he orrived, oll the ottention ot home

speciol obout

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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