Chapter 101

“What? Have you lost the ability to speak, wife?” The ice in his voice caused a shiver to travel up and down my spine. “Why is he here, Adelaide? Surely you didn’t do this just to piss me off did you?”

“Damon, listen. Let me explain.”

“Explain what? How snakey you were?”

“Look man, she was only-”

“You don’t get to speak so shut up.” Damon snapped at Gabriel. He looked like he was ready to jump him.

I had to place myself in between the two of them to keep them separated. Damon was hot with fury and I didn’t want Gabriel getting worked up too. I turned to Gabriel and pointed to the hall, “Second door to your left. That’s where your

room is.”

“Are you serious right now, Adelaide?” My husband was growing angrier by the second. “You’ll still have him in my house which I paid for? Did I step into some kind of alternate reality or something because this is just fucking unbelievable?” “Damon.” I turned to face him. “I get that you’re angry but this isn’t how you speak to someone.”

“Are you defending him right now? I’m your husband.”

“I know that but you can’t be harsh with him. He is a guest in our home. I invited him.”

“My home.” he snapped. “It’s my millions that have allowed you to live all plush and comfortable right now.”

I winced at his harshness. He got mean whenever he was angry and this was something that we would talk about later. But as for now, I needed to make sure that this fire didn’t get any bigger than it already was.

“Can we go into the kitchen to talk about this, please?”

“Oh, now you want to talk? You should have thought of that before inviting him into my home. You bit my head off when I had Angela here and now you brought this man here like it means absolutely nothing when you know my history with him.”

few steps toward him.

We just go around in circles with no clear end. What’s the purpose of all of this? You know I don’t want him here or near you. It’s bad enough he works with you and now you want to invite

had been a huge blunder on my part, I knew that. And now, looking back on it I wished I hadn’t opened my mouth. Damon didn’t deserve thus.

I couldn’t even find the correct words

as his entire face went slack and his eyes dimmed of the

eyes and it even pained me to say

his last

go,” he stormed out of the house with me hot on his

I was practically begging him at this point.

got into his car and made his way down the driveway, I just stood there and watched him leave. My chest tightened and the air in my lungs thinned. I placed my hand over my

This was

had I been

continued to search for the answers I already had but didn’t want to admit, the tears started to flow.

hands coming to my knees and my mouth letting out these tiny little breaths. It felt like my chest was trying to cave in on itself and I was barely hanging

away but

around me tilted on its axis and all I could do was lean into Gabriel. I lifted my head to meet his gaze. His eyes showed the panic he was feeling but his

you inside.”

to lead me back inside

had left and it was all my

my bed for the past three hours. Thad called and texted my husband multiple times on end and he was

didn’t know what to do

hopeless in

this but I

my utter had been coming into and out of my room making sure that I was still breathing She had be here for the first hour when I had called her in tears. She had just sat with me in silence. But then she had to go attend to some work stuff

been the one to bring him here, he


waiting for it to ring again with a call back from Damon but there was nothing I was beginning to wonder if he was okay. He had been so angry when he left I feared that maybe he got into a car

rid my mind of

Our marriage was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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