Chapter 102

I moved to go after her but the doors shut on me and then the wngree i pained roar

sed my but again the term and len

“Damon.” Angela’s voice said from behind me but I didn’t look haark at her Irealdeli

My heart cracked right down the center and parue semper innto it. All I could think der en the bor she had lonked so dejected and broken. I had caused that I had madde bee distruar tre

I thought about what I would’ve felt to see her holdin

Gabriel’s hand again

red berling

Only moments

I had been still simme

Angela The position we had been in was e

her hand from my face. But it was at

I was so stuparl

that my wife dan seler in

I moved away from the elevator and made my way toward the emergency

after me but

I had one thing and one thing only on my mind I needed to get to her and beg her not to go. I

“Damon, wait!”

I wanted to hear from right now. She was the hadn’t seen it but now it was in plain sight My wife had tried to warn the sure Angela

of these problems

foger. I watched in dismay as I saw her car speed out of the parking lot, training. building continued to race outside so I could follow her. I didn’t care what I was potentially

that led outside when I felt a smaller hand to top

her other hand on top of my wrist

stop and think for

me go. Angela” I tore my hand from her hold. At first, she looked a

understand her sudden shift because I was the one who had likely just ruined my marriage. She had nothing to lose She was fine She lost nothing in any of this. Why was

her? Try to fix something that is already brokene When are you goin this woman brings you is pain, Daron?” Her words


ew wave of

will do. You cannot tell me to give up on her. Who are you to tell me how I should handle my

at my tone. “Who am I? I’m the woman that’s willing to give you her entire heart if you would let me. But you

when my wife first made

this woman was trying

been wrong and she had been right all along. I was such an idiot not. How had I not seen this before? Maybe if I had seen

those times

side to side, a little unsure of how to proceed. “You see me in ways that other people can’t. My soul recognized yours almost instantly. I have never felt this way about any other man in my entire life. You’re like this ray of sunshine in my world of darkness and you make the world seem like a far less scary place. I’m able to breathe better when you’re near. I’m able to taste the

she feel all these things for me? She barely knew me and I barely knew her. How could she

nice to you, nothing more. I don’t know how you could have possibly fallen for me when you don’t even know me. We’ve never even

I know how yata scrunch your nose when you’re thinking a little too hard. I know that you will only take your pizza without the sauce. 1 know that your eyes always sluft left and then right

know you feel you owe your wife

1 1972

Thorely burd a chara

leave her de vreme

germpletely and interly tender row

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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