“Hurry, run! The bad guy is going to eat us up!”

As Trevor was tugging at Faye, Asher suddenly grabbed Faye and ran away.

He led his siblings and slipped into the crowd.

“Mommy said we should stay away from this bad guy. Otherwise, he’ll arrest us. We’ll never get to see Mommy again,” he thought to himself.

“Mr. Gulliford, they—”

“They aren’t my children,” Trevor replied grimly as he snapped out of his reverie.

Staring at the kids’ backs, he pulled out his phone to call someone to escort the kids to a safe place.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Gulliford,” Natalie apologized. “They really look like you, so I—”

“Arrange for someone to send them home.”

“Got it, Mr. Gulliford.”

In the break room, Jessica had barely regained her voice when she heard the servers talking outside.

never knew Mr.

aren’t Mr. Gulliford’s kids. What if Mr. Gulliford overhears you?

of Mr. Gulliford! How could they not be his

of people who look

There could be many kids who resemble Trevor, but if four kids who resembled Trevor appeared together, they could


of the break room and asked around, but no one knew where the kids

and Jessica’s men were searching the twentieth floor, but the kids were nowhere to be seen.

one place in Cerulean

increased her speed and

the door open,

here?” Jessica

had no idea why the kids would come

miss you and decided to come to visit you,” Faye responded

was the youngest of the bunch and never lied. Thus, she ratted Asher out without thinking

his head low and kicked at the ground

he thought miserably, “I missed

at home instead

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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