Chapter 122

*****Sofia's POV*****

I could feel my pulse quicken as Vincent's text message to Emma's phone repeated over and over again from within my head:

'Daryl's doing better. We should probably talk today. I'll meet you when you get to the hospital later?'

Was this it?

It was direct and straight to the point giving nothing away?

That was Vincent's style...

Was this whole meet up lining itself up to be the dreaded conversation where he's going to tell me it's all over? Whatever spark we had together, now gone? That I was too much of a liability for him, for everyone around me? Most likely.

My mind spiraled with every possible outcome as I finished drying my damp hair, and none of them felt good. Still, I knew I had to face reality sooner rather than later in order to move on in any way I can...

Whatever he had to say to me, whether it be good or bad, I would have to hear it in person, to my face.

I glanced across the room at Emma, who gave me an encouraging smile as she pulled on her peach coloured sweatshirt. "You've got this, Sofia. I can practically hear your thoughts. You need to just talk to him, clear the air, you'll both feel better for it after."

I nodded, even though my stomach continued to do flips. "I know, we should probably go there soon, it's getting closer to the afternoon visiting slots. I'll be ready in two minutes." I announce, sighing once more as I drag the brush through my well conditioned hair - grateful to look somewhat normal again despite the remnants of bruising, but I looked way better than what I had done when I first freed myself from Ashtons grubby basement...

Emma quickly hammered out a message on her phone, probably sending it to Reid since he had offered to come pick us both up, as I placed the brush down on the nightstand.

Everything seemed to move quickly from there, which I hadn't exactly wanted it to, growing more nervous by the second.

Reid turned up, we both climbed in, and thankfully he seemed to have more colour to his cheeks today compared to last night - seeming more back to his usual self.

"Did you sleep?" Emma questioned him, as I chose to remain quiet in the back.

"Yeah Vincent and I managed to take turns during the night, they gave us a small room with a bed when they realised we weren't leaving any time soon which was good." He explains, as I feel relieved to hear that Vincent had managed to sleep a little bit too.

by having all of us rested now, it would help diffuse things a little easier? Or maybe I was just

it was just a short drive from Emma's place - I had hoped that it would feel longer today. Emma helped to fill the silence with firing random questions at Reid, clearly trying to distract us all, but I could barely focus

to me, what

and my heart was pounding so loudly that I imagined I could hear it

both out of the car, allowing for my body to enter autopilot, as we walked up the familiar steps and in to the

the last time we were here only hours ago, the fear, the helplessness of not knowing what would happen

thankfully, he was doing good now, at least

one of the chairs over by the vending machines and hadn't noticed us come

moment we stepped towards him, he turned, his expression hard to read as he eyed each of us carefully on

remaining buried beneath the surface. "Hey," he greeted, his voice low. "I'm glad you're both

in with him? Is he sleeping again?" Reid questions, as he

to show up so as you can imagine she's in there all over him like a bad rash. Amelia came back not too long ago though so at least she's in there with them." Vincent tells Reid who rolls his eyes knowingly. It was then that I only realised that I hadn't actually been told much about Daryl's family, or Reid's for that matter, and only knew them for living

might be missing out on the complete

shining through when he speaks of her, she may be

trying to find my voice amongst the building silence. "How's Daryl

more at hearing me speak for the

morning but it wasn't much. He's still groggy, but the doctors say it's a good sign." His tone was lighter when he talked about Daryl, as if the progress was giving him something to hold

Daryl... and that he wanted to address

I was hoping you'd come with me, Sofia. We do need to talk." Vincent stands from his position, as I catch Reid and Emma locking eyes - both of them probably feeling

fear inside of me suddenly twisted tighter

This was it...

hesitation. "I'll stay here with Reid and keep an eye on Daryl. You

thankful for her. "O-Okay." Turning to Vincent, I added, "Yeah,

Vincent took off in large strides

silence between us was heavy, filled with everything that hadn't been said yet

in my lap, fidgeting with the hem of my black sleeve as we pulled out

began to wonder if he had

for this, you know," he said quietly, his eyes remaining fixed on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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