Chapter 528: Sharp-Tongued

“Your dissection skills are so amazing, young lady. After you retire, maybe you can become a butcher at a supermarket.”

“By then, I doubt you’ll be able to see anymore.”

Kyson was rendered speechless.

Is being sharp-tongued a fine tradition in the Edwards family?

Layne was like this when he was young, and he raised a granddaughter with the same attitude.


As soon as Cheyenne left the morgue, her first order of business was to wash her hands and change clothes.

When she returned to her office, she noticed that there was a plate of Japanese food on her desk.

It was exactly the sashimi and salmon she had wanted to eat.

Who ordered this takeout for her?

“How is it? I’m good to you, right? How about becoming my god granddaughter? I will order takeout for you every day.”

Kyson appeared out of nowhere, standing with hands on his hips, his squinty eyes barely visible.

Cheyenne couldn’t help but pout her glossy lips and resisted the temptation of the delicious food. She firmly rejected his food seduction.


“Ah! Why not? Have I not been good to you?”

Kyson was truly frustrated. He genuinely wanted to win over Cheyenne as a talent for his team.

“I have a grandfather, and I have a master and senior fellow who is your younger brother. I don’t need you.”


Direct and hurtful, Kyson wondered why young people nowadays were so independent and had such strong personalities.

But on second thought, Cheyenne was right!

not he recognized her as a god granddaughter didn’t matter. After all, she was his younger brother’s junior, so she naturally

alright, I was just teasing you. You’ve been busy all morning, so eat

start to

it in her mouth, her stomach churned uncomfortably, making her feel nauseous as if she was on a


with her hand and rushed towards

seasickness was getting stronger and

on the tap, and the rushing water masked the sound

“Ugh… cough, cough…”

and she wanted to

something to

her mouth, Cheyenne turned the tap off and looked at her reflection

Her face was flushed.

on her forehead, finally feeling

her appearance, she returned to her

already eaten more than half of the salmon sashimi.

as he said, “Are you okay? Getting stomach problems at such a young age? Young people these days, staying up late and not getting

Cheyenne sensed a hint of care in his


I saw the organ tissues in the morning that made me feel sick. I’ll take it easy.

a doctor,

mice and rabbits she had killed with her own hands. She had seen scenes even more

an unchanged

what was going on today, maybe it was because she didn’t sleep well

hold a

a smug expression

old man, I actually have a small appetite. I can’t eat

Did he

and now he tells me he has a small

lowered her head and

finally became serious. “Alright, now let’s talk about something important. Do you know about the Abona

Of course, she knew.

triennial medical grand event where many medical prodigies gathered each

first-place winner would join the National Institute of Health and become a highly

know, the Abona Medical Conference is hosted by Onistead Almond Hall, with judges who

from Moon Hall, the weirdo that

in her eyes

was quite a

such a young age, she had a calm and composed appearance, just like those cunning

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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