Chapter 529: One Billion in Cash

The most eye-catching vehicle at the forefront was a black convertible luxury car, a Ferrari. Following closely behind was none other than the hero who had recently made headlines in the newspapers – Gordon.

He was dressed in a handsome blue uniform, riding a motorcycle with flashing red and blue lights and accompanied by familiar background music.

Beep beep…

Citizens speculated whether there was another major economic crime happening recently.

When the truth of the matter was revealed, everyone was thunderstruck.

Contrary to suspicions of conspiracy or a major economic crime, it was all because a wealthy man wanted to give money to someone else…

And that wealthy man was none other than the renowned scion of the Todd family and Major General, Iker Todd.

The money was his gift to Cheyenne!

They say it amounted to a whopping one billion dollars in cash.

No wonder Iker had to invite the police to provide security. If someone with ill intentions set their sights on it, it could lead to a major social incident.

Onlookers who made way for the procession thought that Iker was going to propose to this girl named “Cheyenne.” They lifted their phones and took pictures, quickly sharing them online.

One couldn’t fathom how the netizens of this era managed to combine envy, jealousy, and hatred in their complicated emotions as they added captions to the images.

Within the span of a morning, it went viral across the internet.

There were countless well-crafted copywriting pieces, among which the most popular one was this line: “To grant one person favoritism and express generous love for the rest of their lives.” Now, if you randomly clicked on a webpage, the pop-up titles would read, “Super-rich Mogul’s Exorbitant Dowry for Divorced Woman.”

Opinions were divided in the comments, but Cheyenne remained blissfully unaware that she was about to be struck by a tremendous fortune.

nightgown, with her

the Foley Group, a palpable sense of gloom and tension filled the air, suffocating

oppressive and somber vibes emanated

window, a figure dressed in black exuded a cool and aloof

suddenly sneezed. He adjusted his collar and wondered if he had somehow entered winter ahead of

he should put on

Spider. Find out what Cheyenne is

asked about it

annoyed by the two men, sent him an

went off five minutes ago. Miss Lawrence turned off the alarm and went back to sleep. However, she changed her sleeping position from lying down

felt relieved, and his stern

was about to arrive with a dowry to

meant that as long as he successfully intercepted Master Iker before he reached the Lawrence Villa, he could

me the real estate certificate for that

bringing one billion dollars. He had bought a private island for

the kind of woman who cared about material wealth. Compared to the vulgar display of wealth, his gesture would touch

deliver the latest

“Mr. Foley,

wanted to report this

I don’t

several developers are now interested in

offers were

his personal matter, and


fifty nautical miles away from the mainland. It would be difficult to

out of


investigate! Find the internal traitor within

had sent people to investigate without

the moment, but there was no conclusive evidence to prove her involvement, so Chris hadn’t reported it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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