Hillary got up abruptly and looked at them in disbelief.

What did they say just now?

How could this be?!

How did she know?!

She understood Tanya very well. Because she loved Joel too much, she would never tell him that she had lost her child. After all, who wouldn’t be miserable about losing their child?

But if it wasn’t her who had brought it up, Joel would never imagine that Mia might be Tanya’s daughter…

So, how did they realize the truth?!

Terribly shocked, she stared in front of her in astonishment.

At the same time, countless question marks also flashed across the comments.




The plaintiff’s attorney was dumbfounded while the comments were being filled with question marks. He asked, “What nonsense are you saying?”

The defendant’s… no, the defendant had already turned into the plaintiff at this point. The attorney looked straight at Hillary. As a lawyer, he had always been calm when handling cases, but when he realized the truth, even he couldn’t help but subconsciously become angry when he looked at the woman.

the jury’s hands can prove whether I’m talking nonsense or not! The evidence consists of two reports, one is a DNA test report conducted for Ms. Turner and Ms. Mia Smith, and the other is proof that Ms. Jones had stolen the baby! On the day that

words made Hillary’s attorney

the trial, attorneys would typically probe into their client’s private affairs in order to

attorney hadn’t even once accused Tanya of being the third wheel in Hillary’s family, for fear that the other party would take

have ever expected such an

between Hillary and Joel had

evidence that she had

evidence because the judge and the others would undoubtedly verify it. He was just staring

could even feel his career

panicked. She suddenly stood up. “I didn’t do anything like that! That’s

can prove whether or not I am talking nonsense! The DNA test shows

swallowed and looked at the

and Jill were seated in

up abruptly when the plot twist came. She subconsciously looked

who also seemed stunned by the plot twist, looked

you must know the truth of the matter by now. Wouldn’t it be rather unreasonable if you continue to

Karl choked.

her on account of their past relationship. After all, if Hillary was Mia’s mother, the Smiths’ actions would indeed be going

But now…

for the child, then wouldn’t he just be making trouble

coughed and replied, “Of course. The Assassin Organization is

was seated nearby Jill. The astonishment in his eyes didn’t seem to be fake, and he looked like he wasn’t aware of his daughter’s actions at all. He slowly

help anymore, there was no way Mr. Jones would have the guts to step forward, either. He shook his head and stammered, “M-Mr. Hunt, I really didn’t know about what

you say that? She’s your daughter! Is that how

daughter, I still didn’t expect her to actually do something like that! She stole someone else’s child! How

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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